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[經驗交流] iPhone上市後所面臨的關鍵挑戰

發表於 2007-6-14 18:10:51 | 顯示全部樓層
個人覺得這些報導會誤導讀者8 E. J- `: a. o3 w& P
重點不在觸控式面板, 現在那個PDA手機不是觸控式面板?1 I0 h" E( Y9 h2 p% M/ Q
重點在於Multiple Touch Technology的使用6 n! h% w, D7 r; G
如HTC的阿福, Apple的iPhone, Microsoft Surface.../ n* j( U# C% z  g& c
不只能點(Click), 還能直接用手指拖拉
* v9 C( n9 s" i$ y# s. }9 `8 |一根手指的拖拉是Scroll
3 [- ^& W1 _0 T& I* c兩根手指的同時拖拉是Zoom In/Out
! l: K& e' x$ M2 I0 {2 Y.....等等新應用

使用道具 舉報

發表於 2007-6-15 09:41:00 | 顯示全部樓層

That iPhone Is Missing a Keyboard

If there is a billion-dollar gamble underlying Apple’s iPhone, it lies in what this smart cellphone does not have a mechanical keyboard.- \6 `) Y" h! B; N: n

$ J1 a/ A6 P  t# h! rAs the clearest expression yet of the Apple chief executive’s spartan design aesthetic, the iPhone sports only one mechanical button, to return a user to the home screen. It echoes Steven P. Jobs’s decree two decades ago that a computer mouse should have a single button. (Most computer mice these days have two.) His argument was that one button ensured that it would be impossible to push the wrong button. 8 h# A3 [: J: C

4 a; m; g" T) {4 ?( y3 j$ xThe keyboard is built into other phones, those designed for businesspeople as well as those for teenagers. But the lack of a keyboard could be seen as a clever industrial design solution. It has permitted the iPhone to have a 3.5-inch screen. A big screen makes the phone attractive for alternative uses like watching movies and that could open up new revenue streams for Apple and its partner, AT&T. / z0 Q; q1 \' N- W# U, A8 w4 _
# K8 |. X$ R5 {3 I
The downside is that typing is done by pecking on the screen with thumbs or fingers, something hardly anyone outside of Apple has experienced yet. “The tactile feedback of a mechanical keyboard is a pretty important aspect of human interaction,” said Bill Moggeridge, a founder of Ideo, an industrial design company in Palo Alto, Calif. “If you take that away you tend to be very insecure.” ' l) Y  B2 F7 @7 O/ Q$ ?; E; D
, ?* T9 f9 z; O3 T+ \% h- D) S7 C7 Z
Mr. Jobs and other Apple executives argue that the keyboard that pops up onscreen will be a painless compromise. The iPhone’s onscreen keyboard has a dictionary-lookup feature that tries to predict the word being typed, catching errors as they are made.* U' x3 ]" J  o# K- t/ L. j
+ {  f5 ^6 u5 C0 H. A
That, of course, requires users to learn the new system, a task that Apple executives acknowledge may require several days. Last month at an industry conference, Mr. Jobs dismissed doubts about the decision to rely on a virtual keyboard, saying that users only had to learn to trust the keyboard, “and then you will fly.”
* N2 h7 M7 Y7 n1 j: N6 B7 h
2 j8 R+ T5 w0 \/ qYet in the days before the phone is scheduled to go on sale at Apple and AT&T stores around the country, designers and marketers of electronic devices centers are having a spirited debate about whether consumers will have the patience to overcome the hurdle that will be required to type without the familiar tactile feedback offered by conventional keyboards.
! }+ O7 ~# V! F& |4 I
( _( r! x" j. J/ V' qApple is making other compromises. The AT&T Edge cellular network transmits data more slowly than those of rivals, but the iPhone will still be equipped with Wi-Fi for Web access. The phone will not accept memory cards.
- }5 j) W5 G1 e+ I" X( d* Q. S% C$ S+ ^) t
The keyboard, however, is the biggest worry. At worst, customers will return the products. Currently AT&T gives customers 30 days to return handsets, but it is not clear whether it will maintain that policy for the iPhone. Any significant number of returns of the iPhone could conceivably undermine what until now has been a remarkable promotional blitzkrieg that culminates in the phone’s release June 29.
, @% q' k+ V4 t0 v6 f  P: Z" A! s' a( V4 h1 l
“There has never been a massively successful consumer device based solely on a touch screen,” warned Sky Dayton, chief executive of Helio, a cellular network service that has recently introduced an innovative handset that integrates Google maps with a G.P.S. system and another feature that physically locates friends using Helio phones.
& k8 O. J8 e6 P5 D% j9 U9 t9 g" c2 ^! }2 b! R: R# b& D. f7 U
Palm was successful, he noted, despite requiring the Palm Pilot’s users to enter text with a stylus using its own writing system called Graffiti. But the company eventually retreated and put a mechanical keyboard on its Treo smartphones.
$ q- J2 t& J0 @2 y4 R. R3 }  O7 f) b; j' D4 \$ O  `% J5 c
“Texting” is central to an entire generation of people, Mr. Dayton argued, and Apple is taking a risk in not making that a central design feature. “There is a generation of users who are always online and who don’t communicate the way their parents did,” he said. “They’re e-mailing; they’re texting; they’re I.M.-ing.”3 }* T; j3 }) P# ~8 W
8 a( W' N7 Y7 n/ T1 P, G
To be sure, Apple has had its share of product design hits and misses both under Mr. Jobs’s command and while he was in exile from the computer maker from 1985 to 1997. The Apple III was a well-designed computer, but was undermined by shoddy manufacturing. Several years later, the Lisa, the first commercial PC with a
- s+ H1 ?) |7 Wgraphical user interface, and an infamously poorly designed “Twiggy” floppy disk drive, generated excitement but failed commercially. More recently, the Apple Cube, which was perhaps Mr. Jobs’s most daring design statement, drew critical praise and few sales.
5 h& w0 R2 G7 J, S
! |( ~+ ^; `* w# h# M' qBut the comparison that could haunt the iPhone most comes from the specter of a former Apple chief executive, John Sculley, and his Newton. Billed as the original “personal digital assistant,” the Newton relied on a stylus for entering text. When users fumbled with its character recognition system, the machine went from hype to humiliation. % a- Y$ O: `9 ~$ q5 |$ E8 O

. e0 q2 Z1 o1 f) NAlthough a small team of dedicated Apple engineers ultimately improved the technology, it was too late to save the Newton as a product.  O6 {' r2 N1 e: u0 K% h  H
. L' E- ~% Y# U& I: f
Few industrial designers believe that the iPhone will suffer the Newton’s fate. Indeed, many leading designers argue that even before the iPhone has reached the market, it has changed consumer electronics industry standards irrevocably. Dispensing with a physical keyboard has given software an increased importance over hardware in product design, said Mark Rolston, senior vice president at Frog Design, an industrial design consulting firm.
! l3 ]! l  n5 K+ j# R- R' i8 e( w9 u$ i2 q% h
A result, he said, has been a richer conversation between Frog’s designers and customers because the software presents a much wider range of options for features. “This is great for us because the carriers weren’t listening,” Mr. Rolston said. “They were slightly adjusting the soft-keys.”
9 e4 H0 Z* w0 L" F3 b0 A& L9 p- k* w! ^: ?; f! }; N- ~
Overnight that has changed and that has resulted in significant new business for design companies like Frog. “We’re being engaged by many more customers with more aggressive ideas about what to do,” he said.
$ Q% j, C% O2 W$ z# i; j% i" t) n0 |. ~( w# U4 N! D+ W) `
Mr. Rolston believes that Mr. Jobs will get away with his gamble. “They took a risk and it’s a bold step for the industry,” he said. “This is a worthwhile risk.”& K4 l5 U( p. ?& z% l" e
7 w# z6 W6 Q" b( I; y8 Y. H
Indeed, the handful of users outside Apple who have been able to play with the hand-held device report that the quirky company has made an important step forward in the art of controlling computer systems. It may teach a new generation of technology users to use their fingers rather than a mouse ­ a four-decade-old technology ­ as a pointing and command device. 6 R, K8 [( m$ R  E; L, E

9 e  V& E9 K3 B$ xApple’s multitouch technology ­ which permits control gestures with one or more fingers or thumbs ­ and which is now also being explored by a variety of other companies, including Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard and others, is a much more direct way to interact with a computer. Software designers have injected virtual “physics” into the user’s experience. For example, sliding a finger along the screen in a directory will cause the index to slide as if it were a piece of paper on a flat surface.
8 I' d! Q* ^. B- @3 L% S6 F! [
& ^, p7 r% u7 Q4 WMr. Jobs’s new phone may resonate with a new kind of mobile user, said Donald A. Norman, a product designer who is co-director of the Segal Design Institute at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill.
9 V  _( w$ h* a5 y" t  J2 R7 L0 I
4 D4 ]  R& Q* w4 [7 ~( Y! O“Apple says, ‘We’re not selling to the person who lives on his BlackBerry, we’re selling to the person who listens to music and surfs the Web,’ ” he said.
6 l; H" e6 w) x( b0 @7 U/ N, f8 J+ p0 \, W- i4 }: \
And even Mr. Jobs’s competitors are rooting for him to win.
2 b* |- |3 a. d; X$ W) G1 F" t; v% \9 u4 F8 I' ~" T* f2 @/ x7 R
“When I first saw iPhone I was very excited,” said Benjamin Bederson, co-founder and vice president for client technologies at ZenZui, a Seattle-based mobile phone software company, which is commercializing technologies that were developed at Microsoft’s research labs. “It will raise the expectations. I think that consumers have had the central assumption that cellphone experiences are terrible and there’s nothing you can do about it.” -- NYTimes

使用道具 舉報

發表於 2007-6-21 10:49:23 | 顯示全部樓層
Apple's iPhone Patent Multi-Touch Advantage! K8 }6 f8 F; T3 N, t/ {
Apple May Profit From Wide Deployment Of Multi-Touch Screens

0 f( L* M8 P* F, DJune 20, 2007 Macworld – Apple may hinder wide deployment of multi-touchscreen technologies as it owns one of the patents involved, according to the analysts at iSuppli.! g9 a# g1 I* ~0 Q$ U  a
Read More % @/ A+ d. n7 R7 k/ v

使用道具 舉報

發表於 2007-6-22 09:53:13 | 顯示全部樓層


IDC研究指出,iPhone銷售破百萬支應該不是問題,但下一個目標,在2008年破千萬支,就得視iPhone使用經驗而定,而目前這還缺乏穩定可靠的基礎。 ' W7 x# |! V# v5 p$ `

- g7 A  {+ G9 `8 Q
6 v* ?3 ^2 ]6 n$ [2 }& F/ a8 J2 w( w1 H3 ^. X
以銷售而言,銷售破百萬支應該不是問題,因為蘋果多年以來已經培養出對iPhone的興趣,但下一個目標,在2008年破千萬支,就得視iPhone使用經驗而定,而目前這還缺乏穩定可靠的基礎。IDC行動技術與趨勢資深分析師Chris Hazelton表示。
" Q% Y6 {. P0 R, K. t& S! q: z' T7 w3 u( l- E6 \$ a
IDC最近和Market Insight合作的線上調查便顯示,雖然多數使用者對iPhone有興趣,但iPhone也存在一些大眾化時需克服的問題。例如IDC行動技術總監Shiv K. Bakhshi指出,據調查,大約僅10%的受訪者認為他們願意依照蘋果的定價,加上簽下2年AT&T門號合約購買iPhone,而如果可繼續使用現有電信服務業者,有約17%使用者表示願意購買iPhone,因此這項措施可能大幅影響iPhone用戶購買意願。
9 j% d8 O! E6 x" V% J$ i8 P! U( H& A& K
有市場消息指出AT&T已經簽下5年的iPhone獨家銷售權,因此這項措施可能會因此打消消費者對iPhone的興趣。而且,如果還要使用資料傳輸服務,據估計iPhone用戶每個月大概還得多付80美元的電信費用。   g% x' k8 V$ z+ ]! t

4 g* N$ {* V3 A8 }: S在技術方面,iPhone缺少鍵盤的設計,或AT&T較慢的EDGE網路都可能減少iPhone銷售。Chris Hazelton說,雖然第一批使用者多半是科技的先進採用者與高技術能力的消費者,但iPhone可以說是一支直接訴求一般消費者的智慧型手機,這種複雜的裝置也有可能讓蘋果iPhone再度步上以失敗告終的Newton PDA後塵。 . w- `" W( `: C
7 j+ ^- q8 a2 ~" e. l
不過Chris Hazelton說,如果iPhone失敗對其他業者也未必有利,因為iPhone可直接擴大美國智慧型手機接受度,一旦iPhone成功,其他業者也較容易讓消費者購買功能更多的手機。

使用道具 舉報

發表於 2007-6-28 09:31:30 | 顯示全部樓層


AT&T公布iPhone綁約方案 啟動要價36美元
文/陳曉莉 (編譯) 2007-06-27
2 e0 ?" r7 X/ g- a( U, s* B% ^9 g( H3 Z: H% X: I' `$ h
+ v, j7 G  [& ?0 w0 G4 C' s- D) n& \) ^" Y
2 ~6 A9 z# K. A) G# l% g8 X
( E5 U; {6 Q; t* C' y蘋果及AT&T在網站上發表了針對iPhone的個人用戶、家庭用戶,及既有用戶的不同行動電話服務方案。其中,在個人使用者上有三種服務費率:每月費率59.99美元的享有450分鐘免費通話時間、夜晚及周末可免費通話5000分鐘;79.99美元方案可免費通話900分鐘,夜晚及周末無限通話時間;費率99.99美元的有1350分鐘的免費通話時間,夜晚及周未亦為無限通話。上述三種方案也都涵蓋了無限的資料傳輸、可視的語音信箱、200封免費文字簡訊、Rollover分鐘數及無限的行動電話對談。 / W( l; G! R7 C) [
5 A( V+ V: b  @5 f3 F, K9 n
其中,所謂的可視語音信箱(Visual Voicemail)指的是使用者可以看到有哪些語音留言,並選擇性播放,不像一般都要照來電時間順序播放,而Rollover分鐘數指的則是可以將當月沒用完的分鐘數移到下個月。 & ]2 V0 y8 p; \, O
* g' |* D, T; n& u4 n: l: ^) K8 C
蘋果執行長Steve Jobs表示,他們想要讓使用者可以簡單地選擇一項服務,因此每項服務都包括可直接上網的無限資料傳輸、可視性語音信箱及其他服務等,這三項服務將能讓客戶在合理的價格上彈性地體驗iPhone的所有創新功能。
; h0 h' e) `" h6 q3 y) |! m
  B& h, X) _0 Y! n: M1 R蘋果與AT&T在美國簽下兩年的iPhone獨家銷售合約,想要使用iPhone的消費者除了必須成為AT&T的用戶外,也必須是蘋果旗下音樂商店iTunes的註冊會員,因為iPhone必須要透過iTunes啟動。 ) x; }+ z. V/ Z& g7 f6 R7 d6 Q

7 f9 K- `0 h8 c) \1 M啟動iPhone的定價為36美元。蘋果說明,iPhone使用者可以透過家中的蘋果或視窗電腦連上iTunes,並透過使用者帳號及授權信用卡啟動iPhone,一旦啟動完成,使用者就能將iPhone中的通訊錄、行事曆、電子郵件帳號、瀏覽器書籤、音樂、照片、電視節目或電影等內容同步傳輸到個人電腦上的iTunes,就像iPod與iTunes的同步傳輸功能一樣。
8 {. V" {: Q9 A; T* v5 M) C* M2 t7 O) }7 L  j% \
Steve Jobs指出,使用者可以在自己家中或辦公室等具安全與隱私的環境中啟動iPhone,而不用在零售商店內等待iPhone被啟動。此外,美國已有數千萬使用者知道如何同步傳輸iPod及iTunes,而iPhone同步傳輸功能則與iPod一致。
8 ], P5 I8 a3 E! e. L+ J/ L4 R* ^$ _; L; y, v3 m
5 |/ ^0 X. ~8 b  z& S# }/ M' e( }6 S8 l% d: E3 c1 `6 U' h

使用道具 舉報

發表於 2007-8-10 10:14:51 | 顯示全部樓層


Apple's iPhone put touch screens into the spotlight once again, and now the patent hounds have begun to bark, with SP Technologies claiming that the iPhone infringes on an SP Technologies patent, awarded in August 2004, covering software that allows users to input directions on a virtual keyboard that cannot be minimized or closed. & D$ M) `4 O: `5 d/ L0 V3 b
# B7 R% d* X/ t; E: A* A5 |: N
Forget about the trademark battle with Cisco over the use of the name iPhone and prepare for the onslaught of patent claims against Apple's latest device. One of the first is a patent suit over the iPhone's touch-screen keyboard. ; D# z* a, E" a

/ Q7 Y$ ^) o, Y! y9 `4 HSP Technologies has sued Apple for infringement on a patent that SP filed in August 2000. SP Technologies, a Florida company, is seeking a permanent injunction against the Mac-maker. SP also seeks damages and attorney fees.
& X8 A8 a' R( O; S
% w% G0 F: {, q) kSP's patent, which was awarded in August 2004, is for a "method and medium for computer readable keyboard display incapable of user termination." The document describes software that allows users to input directions on a virtual keyboard that cannot be minimized or closed. That description sounds much like the iPhone keyboard. 6 j! Y9 `+ y  E" \) ?- }) u" _- v/ b

9 ^+ K; d5 H1 w+ B- C2 G6 z"Apple is bumping up against intellectual property portfolios of other companies that have been in the area perhaps longer than Apple," said Ilan Barzilay, a member of the Litigation Practice Group at Wolf, Greenfield, & Sacks PC. "When you stick your head out, everyone notices. The iPhone is huge, so people who have patent portfolios that may not necessarily attract a whole lot attention, they look at a big product launch and go after them."
5 `5 u5 X, c- i- b4 u( J  z" S0 W! j# C6 N7 U4 e
Touch-Screen Phenomenon 4 j$ b. H+ l+ R; N
7 a+ v$ L6 w7 T4 ]- x. r
Indeed, the release of the iPhone has put touch screens into the spotlight, but the demand for this technology  was already growing rapidly even before Apple joined the party. Market research company iSuppli predicts that global revenue for the eight leading touch-screen technologies will rise to $4.4 billion by 2012, up from $2.4 billion in 2006. 1 V! Y' j7 k2 Q0 J: A
$ ~( d: j4 s4 M* N- F* t- p
Beyond the iPhone and other consumer devices, modern ATMs offer touch-screen displays. Then there's Microsoft 's Surface, a new technology that turns an ordinary tabletop into a dynamic surface that lets users interact with all forms of digital content through natural gestures and touch. Surface is making its way into the hotel and restaurant markets. * S1 v: W! e0 c4 g4 ]6 a

0 V( E- Y) n. Y4 s"Demand for touch-screen displays is being driven primarily by the mobile-phone and consumer-electronics industries -- specifically portable  game consoles, personal digital assistants, and portable navigation devices," Jennifer Colegrove, a senior analyst for display technology and strategy at iSuppli, said in a statement.
9 N' w! k) H  a- p/ ?3 A& X7 A
) f* }; b- V, G) Z* L"However," Colegrove went on to say, "as the market matures, iSuppli believes touch-screen displays will find a role in nearly every aspect of electronics 0 l' `2 }4 X" f8 ]
ife, from planes, to automobiles, to machine-control systems, to home appliances."
+ I9 a5 A- @, ~; X8 z4 `
, x4 Q' Y+ e4 N) W4 M8 rBack to the Patent
7 b5 T1 y, v9 n. O
8 K: V7 j3 L/ tSP Technologies has filed patent suits before. The company has sought claims against Canon, LG Electronics, and Kyocera. Apple has not yet formally responded to the SP suit and was not immediately available for comment on the claims that its infringement was "willful and deliberate."
& |: y# k: }) W9 w/ e3 I$ a
# F  Z& p& V: b"Apple has been very aggressive in pursuing protection in this particular area of technology," Barzilay said. "But just because Apple sought protection doesn't mean that someone didn't beat them to the punch on certain features." 9 G1 ]5 N2 [. I$ V1 J: Y( M
0 a/ X6 p) S' S! D
Barzilay also said he is not surprised about SP's suit, and noted that he expects new lawsuits to emerge as the iPhone goes through continual iterations.
( V5 }1 f" q& [$ m# Q7 z/ S2 m% C" k
"We'll have to wait and see what kinds of technologies and features that Apple puts in upcoming versions of the iPhone that come up on the radar screen of intellectual property owners," he said. "But it's too soon to tell if this is a legitimate claim."

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