Chip123 科技應用創新平台

標題: RD vs. FAE?FAE 達人請進來交流! [打印本頁]

作者: chip123    時間: 2006-10-17 09:55 AM
標題: RD vs. FAE?FAE 達人請進來交流!
關於FAE,我對於這個工作的體會,與最認同的說法是...) K1 v8 ?& D: t/ C8 z& ?7 S
6 Q% b' j: `- L6 `! u& D
1 |' f2 A5 p% E, P" U& h英文的縮寫就是容易拿來開玩笑7 A, R9 a1 w- H2 K( t) f
FAE=Field Application Engineer;
3 C$ P2 u, }9 X, Q$ g+ RFAE=Failure Analysis Engineer;( @( W$ v/ `4 ^2 i( G8 J& p! R- N0 `
Fucking Ass Engineer, just a kidding
       2 v# Z" ^$ y5 ]0 Q; d- d1 V

% i( k0 j: R+ l+ n最近聽到一個職務名稱是"FAE" 我只知道它是屬於技術支援方面的工程師,但是一般公司如何定位此職務?包括工作內容,薪資水準,學歷,語文的要求...... 以上就教於各位先進!! 3 I! @- N8 q8 v9 _* f) Z; O
+ d# X$ j' s/ k9 }* }; l3 {' E3 r2 P2 S) x% M
您好 就我所知,FAE (Field Application Engineer)是應用工程師, 了解公司產品可以如何應用在不同的公司或產業等. 至於學經歷及薪資,我想是各公司不同的
7 \6 p7 `/ }" Z& ]$ H( R$ n! }! e& d" D; u9 o. A4 ?7 o! Q5 e3 X6 l
台北科大計中紅樓資訊站上網友曾有這些討論:  q6 Y1 V3 n& u' v% n9 J$ \
& c) x8 H8 D( Y* A3 t) [. n
1 k3 x$ l: L0 X1.有些FAE做的是快遞,把板子拿給RD就沒事了
0 w8 j$ q+ P1 q) [  N' w' M& ~2.有些FAE做的是板廠的RD,因為公板沒這問題,RD沒時間幫你看,客戶又覺得+ [& y/ [' ?/ ]
" b7 N- y6 @/ g# S3.有些FAE做的是偏業務方面,對他們來說跟客戶打好關係是很重要的一環
0 M. x+ @$ D# o. T3 o0 Y4.有些FAE做的又偏像Marketing,常常也要向客戶收集資訊+ c: ]  w  Q- b) Q$ s8 M6 N- n& F
* t; e! I  I5 W$ t( J( W- s

作者: windflowerz    時間: 2007-8-17 10:09 PM
作者: Jasonc1205    時間: 2008-3-19 05:18 PM
標題: FAE 達人請進來交流
關於版主所言, 我真的不知道該怎麼回答, 嚴格來說您列的十項應該都是每間公司在找FAE的原則吧
0 k, V: t+ g, Q8 f8 L8 h6 B/ U& f不瞞您說我也是個FAE
作者: rex    時間: 2008-3-22 11:07 PM
% p! W+ ]; d' K0 s. m( L( ]; w1 W我覺得當過RD當AE比較好,但是我就功力差沒當過RD,呵呵.
; f- B) y4 ^2 ~6 U; ~$ H' X5 I應用端的AE,最好是能跟業務結合,一起打天下,有本事者,把業務哪一套也學會.
" x7 m" o- L; U  Z6 p因為當你在客戶那邊,能立即給他的問題一個方向的話,那是很重要的,但是很多人開始面對客戶時總是會本著工程師的特性,還不掩飾的告知自家產品的好與壞.這就會讓客戶擔心囉.
作者: 陳小雨    時間: 2008-3-22 11:38 PM
作者: yhchang    時間: 2008-3-22 11:42 PM
每個公司的FAE 的工作內容差距真的很大
  _% X7 K) u" R/ W' o* h; p我同學作FAE  以前是燒  VHDL code到 FPGA板子上作驗證. S: f! u+ H7 L6 T2 X' B/ N) Z
現在變成 客戶  PCB板上 自己家IC的 Service 工程師
( u" n, h0 \, Q  y3 o
2 Z2 _! c/ W0 D6 C$ y: O至於我們自己家的FAE 主要是測 記憶體IC 上板子之後的良率
作者: hwhan    時間: 2008-5-5 05:20 PM
沒錯 ..就我接觸過的每個公司的FAE都不相同.
6 J2 Y+ G" @- BIC design house , OEM/ ODM廠 ,代理商 都不相同.
3 C8 L- \$ H' G0 S( B就算同產業,每個公司賦予的定位也不太相同.
9 M0 {& p6 C1 `7 d  ]6 Y( J: w還是要親自接觸及多問問才是!
作者: caesarxl    時間: 2008-5-28 07:40 PM
作者: aniki    時間: 2008-9-23 09:06 PM
作者: Morgan    時間: 2008-9-23 09:33 PM
作者: chip123    時間: 2008-10-2 08:57 AM
4 v6 F; x. l0 s& h4 a8 T3 G7 wiThome Online - 2008年9月29日- e1 b5 `& J# w  l; H/ x
0 C3 J8 k" J+ M  r, O% Z
駐點工程師的苦:在駐點的位置,看來似乎很好,沒公司的人管,也駐點單位的人也不會管太多,似乎很幸福.剛開始來的時候,真的覺得很好;但跨了一個年度,才知道不然,因為駐點單位不希望公司再承接下個年度的合約,但就公司而言,怎可能不爭取呢!就再雙方的攻防戰下,公司再次拿到合約 ...
作者: locusthuang    時間: 2008-10-2 11:44 AM
作者: bh98    時間: 2008-10-2 11:57 AM
沒見過 RD 轉 FAE 的8 J5 i" |4 K4 d7 G

. ^+ h1 m/ L' v; j2 X/ v7 j! x: `定位上,RD的價值高於 FAE
作者: jiming    時間: 2009-4-8 08:32 AM
標題: 你公司在銷售及維護的產品幾乎都是以技術人員所會的產品做為公司的主要銷售產品?
2009年 資訊設備採購新趨勢 DIGIPLUS
) c8 U4 s2 t3 h8 D% {9 e
4 w' E3 ^; f$ j  B(20090407 11:51:02)傳統的資訊產業中,往往一家資訊科技公司都會是以一兩個技術人員為主,所以在銷售及維護的產品,也幾乎都是以技術人員所會的產品做為公司的主要銷售產品。這樣子的銷售模式其實已經行之有年了,在產品資訊還不是很透明的年代,這樣子銷售模式是可行的,反正你賣什麼我就用什麼。產品使用上的不習慣,因為也沒得比較,所以也就常常怪罪到產品的品質上了。. a6 y" Y6 I% @: z3 v. D5 b/ `
3 |; w! s2 D3 X. N/ U0 N
作者: jiming    時間: 2009-4-8 08:32 AM
DigiPlus 是針對了不同使用類型的客戶,提出了不同的產品規劃,而又有別於有別於以前的資訊公司因為價格不透明的關係,客戶常常被當成冤大頭而被敲竹槓,當然就更有別於一般的銷售資訊產品網站,往往只做銷售的行為,導致客戶常常只能就自己對產品的瞭解而做購買,卻又淪落為了產品孤兒的情況。 DigiPlus 結合了眾多的技術工程公司及原廠的技術支援。近而滿足每個客戶在產品知識及技術支援上的需求。1 t  n: X8 N# I/ J( i9 j
0 }" e$ p7 h$ ?, k% e
DIGIPLUS 的堅持與承諾* C  J5 g6 W$ m
1. 堅持不賣沒保固來路不明的商品
% z; r1 n7 W9 `2. 堅持購買前規劃最合適的商品* h$ d- I3 a  j; }7 y
3. 堅持購買後的維護
; w* E) ]. b4 p; n3 E" g4 S讓客戶 在購前能安心的詢問6 j" H4 o) ?4 P
- V, V0 C' F& _, x# i; [在購買後對Digiplus有信心
& P( m- n: t3 g
# l1 v$ V8 p/ P' K# ~/ a8 ?- j7 x  Edigiplus網站
作者: TURTLE    時間: 2009-6-5 01:14 PM
FAE是個極具挑戰的工作, 我覺的FAE就像是公司或產品的代言人,7 K* c1 l6 C$ p9 c1 b* O3 ]: o
只有專業的FAE才會讓人對產品有興趣及信心!7 }" G2 s: U9 j, s4 ~+ `7 }$ q/ Q) `
作者: sunny.yu    時間: 2010-1-13 07:46 AM
標題: 應用工程師可提供客戶各項技術性的支援
* \4 G9 e4 Z! q+ B. DDJ財經知識庫 - ‎12小時之前‎  f# n; N' T  j; t

0 t! J& }( a& P# o; D! f. YMacnica集團全球員工人數已逾1500名,其2008年會計年度之總營收約13億美元,同時該集團以具有充裕的工程背景團隊聞名,目前擁有逾300名的應用工程師可提供客戶各項技術性的支援。 此外,Macnica也表示,未來仍將持續與各地區電子市場的夥伴建立策略合作關係,以有效拓展 ...
作者: irving    時間: 2010-4-28 12:41 AM
0 ?" z8 ]3 m) o7 u" x' y( MFAE就像樓上各位所說的不同公司性質所定義的工作內容也不一樣.
6 i2 A8 K) {( z9 G" X' p6 \8 a我本身也是代理商的FAE~我遇到很多國外原廠的FAE都是年紀很大的~! G& q, b  b: e1 I8 _& ]% G; W
作者: ranica    時間: 2011-8-5 01:54 PM
招聘公司:a top 15 semiconductor company  W4 X3 H. }# U! c6 P
招聘岗位:Segment System Applications Specialist (Application Engineer)
5 Q( n. U$ D* S9 P5 _1 `, Q! {! m工作地点:Shanghai
4 B5 r7 N3 p; P+ n
- y: {2 y5 G0 P9 I$ d' D岗位描述:, o0 E% [9 m8 G
Job Description: Be part of the Worldwide Segment Applications Team with special focus on China Be responsible for understanding System Specifications, Requirements and Partitioning in motor control application spaces with particular emphasis on industrial motor drive and servo motor control applications. Develop relationships with technology leaders and system architects at key selected Instrumentation accounts in China. Be seen at these accounts as a Key Technologist and expert in high end motor control applications Ensure that the requirements and challenges of these Chinese customers are included in any product definition or technology requirements for the Instrumentation segment Be responsible for the development of system level solutions such as Reference Designs, Demo Systems, Proof of Concepts Application and Segment Level CftLs. Particular emphasis should be placed on China customers but, in general, solutions should not be exclusive to China. Be responsible for defining the Whole Product Solution (required ecoSystem, development platforms, solution examples, software requirements, etc) that is necessary to win in assigned motor control application areas. Develop required relationships with design houses in China. Support the Regional Segment System Apps Engineers at key selected accounts, especially with regard to system level architecture and early engagement design-in activities Provide Expert Applications support for the Regional Segment System Apps Engineers and FAEs for motor control applications This role is primarily lab-based and complements the customer-facing Regional Segment System Apps role) l1 g8 t; _3 @7 [% q$ K# C
4 @" c( C4 q5 t! u
职位要求:: n/ J8 y! f5 b. L0 g0 g
Qualification Requirements: Strong knowledge of ac motor control system design is essential. AC motor drive system design experience with ideally 5-8+ years in a system design role in servo motor or industrial drive applications Strong presentation and interpersonal skills Excellent command of verbal and written English B.S.E.E. required, and M.S.E.E preferred. Some customer travel is required in the role 0 s& y7 N5 C0 @9 H; b* V) Q. T4 W
( h- H. D/ r. T$ S
作者: ranica    時間: 2011-9-6 02:18 PM
招聘公司:A famous IC company
7 C! U, x* Q2 i" `. I( T9 j招聘岗位:Senior Field Sales Engineer
+ P6 Q' \1 V! B2 A/ i+ B8 U工作地点:Shenzhen3 [; J) g' k& @8 m

' t- u9 i/ D8 V1 s5 l5 m' m岗位描述:Job Description7 k: ?! B0 \/ U" y
This position belongs to Emerging sales team, the candidate will have primary responsibility of covering key local accounts in South China to meet sales quota and provide services to attain high level of customer satisfaction.
5 ]# b2 V4 P  L* P5 n' Z$ V
0 Y& @- q! J' w! p7 C0 {* u/ m4 wTo covering key direct accounts, promoting xx’s products in customers project and get the business, set up strategic/high level relationship with the key customers. / O  N0 S, m' d
To align with distributor channel, covering un-direct accounts, promoting xx’s products in customers project and get the business.
5 F, {3 Z, x8 D" WCoordinate with division marketing, field applications and sales support to support design-in and after sales activities in these accounts.
' c$ k# W+ R1 k0 uTo feedback customers requirements/market status to Divisions/field manager and provide monthly business update report
/ ^( V; I6 A( W. e. \/ q  HTo find new business area for xx buy developing new customer or market in South China
( R  D0 n1 l, \5 _$ G
0 g, ?2 `- D5 h5 w. Z1 {6 L职位要求:Requirement: z2 x8 D# r1 N. I6 {$ m1 \( e; o
Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics Engineering, master degree preferred # H1 y4 O' O$ Z5 S8 v* h
Real R&D experience is preferred
1 J8 z2 T: B/ i8 \Prefer having at least 6 years of experience in Semiconductors selling/supporting
0 ^* W4 o8 p, E4 f, mStrong team-work spirit and excellent communication skill
0 x2 R7 Y8 x" J: t( NHas fluent and efficient spoken and written in both English and Mandarin
, a  {9 c% `* ?3 |% E) @Can work independently, self motivated and discipline
作者: ranica    時間: 2011-9-6 02:19 PM
招聘公司:A famous IC company
- L# U* S3 \8 Y招聘岗位:Field Sales Engineer5 ~& K% r& `7 q) |3 _
工作地点:Shenzhen! b$ D* X' L" |. U0 m2 k, r
3 P8 s$ W$ _9 W% }! E+ x1 g
: k1 x: z, y9 v' @/ ]3 n$ ~2 ZService and develop assigned accounts. Building good relationships ) H7 I' f9 z" O- H8 R6 q! O
with these accounts and exercise solution selling to win new opportunities. % o7 ]$ |& Y! P" T7 T
Prospecting and developing new accounts.
  x+ q7 p1 g& E- AAchieve/exceed preset sales targets and increase market share
+ n; t2 p7 |" {Develop account business plans/penetration strategy and update periodically - |0 \7 c5 `) H* E, W
Update and maintain all account information and activities in CRM/SFDC system.. \! o! c6 R( h* ^. S

' W; Y7 F) l! i7 U1 J职位要求:Requirements:
& G/ R% _$ ~% t( H  S3-5 years working experience in semiconductor sales/application 9 b9 B( [& w# e$ B! r1 r/ V
Experience in key account management and Telecom related industry
0 X  b: r3 X0 f8 yExcellent communication/ presentation skills
& I- p1 Y  s3 f& A$ \* r( `& B2 YUniversity graduate in electronics preferred or equivalent qualification , n: g9 q: M* v; P9 h7 d; z
Fluent in oral and written English (CET6 or higher)
作者: ranica    時間: 2011-9-22 03:42 PM
招聘公司:A famous IC company
3 d" G( G/ }) P$ I招聘岗位:Field Application Engineer
, u) A- o# {5 y4 `. Q工作地点:Shanghai  c$ u) z3 \3 U- I
5 K4 j7 A4 s8 R$ A; Z9 b
岗位描述:% R- W5 G) k3 [! U' Y# X
Job Description: As part of the Sales Team, you will work with our Sales Managers, Business Unit, and Marketing to discover new sales opportunities and provide application support to customers in the region. You will be responsible for designing in XX's portfolio of products into customers’ applications. Responsibilities include support of the XX product portfolio including chip level design, system design, technical support, and business support. Responsibilities The FAE will have the following Key responsibilities: Take the technical lead in the sales process by managing all the technical issues at assigned customers. Champion the customer needs and work with BU and product marketing team to develop competitive technical solutions Work with the customer’s R&D team to get XX’s products designed in Support existing customers with in depth design assistance at a “post sale” stage Document these design activities using SFDC Establish rapport with the customer and become the expert for all the technical inquiries. Be aware of the size and nature of the business at the assigned account and assist in developing the account penetration strategy Understand the competitive landscape and continuously work on differentiating XX’s solutions. Manage multiple projects and follow up on various tasks to ensure timely support and execution. Ensure clear and regular external internal reporting and communication Influence future XX products by providing customer feedback back to the hardware and software development groups at headquarters.
作者: ranica    時間: 2011-9-22 03:42 PM
职位要求:1 r; R5 M4 ~" n2 S" Y- F$ c
Key objectives: The job holder is responsible for delivering professional technical support and trouble-shooting to XX’s service contract customers. Build up customer long term relationship to win customer technical trust. Help to grow product and service business. Be a customer IP advisor; fulfil customer service requirements and add-on XX value. Capable of explaining difficult concepts to customers. Capable of teaching customers on how to use programmatically our products. Capable of diagnosing and debugging intricate and complex problems those customers are experiencing. Solution seeker. Exceptionally, when a problem cannot be solved by its own technical capabilities, the application engineer will isolate the issue and find the part of the driver that is responsible for the problem and interact directly with the engineer responsible to find a solution. Core competence: Highly technical, broad understanding of very complicated issues Excellent Team-player capable of a perfect and seamless integration in Technical but also Sales team. Highly-responsible engineer that will deliver very high-quality technical support to XX customers in their application and driver development. Strong technical skills with a customer-oriented attitude, and a high degree of enthusiasm and energy Self driven with strong ability to take ownership of customer relationships, solve technical issues and handle solution coordination with the customers and XX R&D/Support organization Good communications and listening skills, with the ability to articulate issues and solutions internally (English)
作者: today    時間: 2011-10-3 09:30 AM
作者: ranica    時間: 2011-10-21 09:22 AM
招聘公司:A famous IC company5 o  h7 }6 S8 M& i- ?" Z* h" i
招聘岗位:Field Applications Engineer
( @& {& R8 ?/ j5 C( Z工作地点:Beijing# ^7 `8 A* I5 o- v+ ~% x! _/ Y

  z( L: o4 U* o) V4 F$ d( L4 K2 ^4 n岗位描述:
  K9 O9 q* ~" x$ I3 e+ zJob Responsibility: Reporting to the Area Sales Manager, the major duties including- Identify potential customers, make sales calls and establish good customer relationship Assist customers for system design Launch new products/service and promotion plan Provide technical and application support to customers · Provide technical and product training to customers and distributors& T  }3 T7 _2 N5 X
8 u* I6 N' i. Q5 E# d
+ b. b9 }( j/ n# c* PJob Requirements: · B. Sc. or M.Sc. in Electrical/Electronic Engineering is a MUST · Strong technical background is a MUST · Experience in CPU(ARM, PowerPC, MIPs)and DSP development or application, Baseband of WCDMA/TD/WiMAX/LTE, Home Gateway Unit(HGU), Voice Over IP (VoIP), xPON etc. · Over 3 years working experience in Telecom/Datacom industry, relevant experience in one or more of the following areas/products will be preferred. · Be familiar with the system architecture (hardware and software) and data flow processing of baseband and base station which will be preferred. · Broadband Router, Security/VPN Router, Soft Switches, Video Server, Base Station, Base Station Controller, Voice Gateway, Access Gateway, Trunking Gateway, ….etc…. · Open minded, good in communication, customer-oriented · Aggressive and willing to take challenging assignments · Good command of English
作者: ranica    時間: 2012-5-7 06:02 PM
招聘公司:one famous IC company
+ [; N2 S* R! a) N* P招聘岗位:Account Manager3 B, w6 f: ~7 u
工作地点:Shanghai, [$ z, ^- T7 N- T$ \

, }% D6 F: i6 ~2 l岗位描述:
" R) U2 r' z6 L$ X# h4 V  o1) Reporting into Huawei/ZTE SAM (Strategic Account Manager) based in Shanghai (preferred location); 2) Territory coverage: Shanghai, Beijing, Xi’an, and the customer’s other locations outside South China; 3) Working closely with FAEs to identify new design opportunities; 4) Identify customer decision makers/influencers and develop relationship with them in each of the assigned customer site; 5) Advise BU in details on the relative business size and importance of various opportunities at various sites; 6) Map out design win strategies and formulate actions plan for BU, sales and FAEs collectively to take to penetrate the account.
3 C  Q1 U, ]" e6 w7 n# G; Z* I. B! I7 M2 E' T  U+ p3 l9 \2 @
; Q6 S  F7 b) u" ~' D1) Bachelor degree or above in EE or related field; 2) Excellent English; 3) Excellent communications skill; 4) Business acumen; 5) Team working spirit; 6) Minimum 3 years engineering experiences; 7) Minimum 3 years sales experience; 8) Working experiences and relationship with Huawei/ZTE.
作者: mister_liu    時間: 2013-5-22 02:29 PM
FAE(System Engineer)$ }9 y/ b1 U: B* l( |6 P  [
公      司:NO.263-A famous IC company1 _' A% F5 ^- W, q7 b& P$ ]0 b
工作地点:上海. c! [3 ?, U( H" K2 f; J# X

7 X9 h+ ?2 Y7 L$ i: j8 Z  O职位描述
, f, b8 K9 q1 p3 ~; m, BWork with customers to optimize low power DRAM (LPDDR) setting in smart phone applications, help customer to do BSP code review and SW/HW trouble shooting; collect customers’ and market information. % F' h+ C! m/ u6 w

. e: Y1 X. l3 e7 i职位要求
* K' {0 C& |3 |# K  n' aGood interpersonal and communication skills in English, mandarin or Japanese
' {+ @7 X7 y" A! v% A+ }2 years working experience with BSP development on ARM based smart phone or tablet
. N. q3 C3 j7 n, r2 v  QExperience with hardware development/debug
; e) P2 A' `. ^/ S8 WWilling to learn new lab equipment such as oscilloscope/logic analyzer$ N! m* j& V5 u" Z
Below 35 years old. R( {" {+ q- P0 o  b
Some travel for on-site customer support may be required2 q+ K; X3 J. I  S- v" |: V
Need frequently visit customer to promote our LPDDR products and secure design-win.
作者: ranica    時間: 2013-7-23 02:18 PM
, Q  S- p! G/ l& b! n& J4 _
: N3 P/ {6 X7 j% D6 u8 ]公      司:famous IC design company in shanghai4 b" R- V3 I3 f# J
5 x* Y5 e& n$ ]6 Y
( I5 `) R& ]) ?8 X. q7 _0 U" P* X主要工作职责:
* Q- i: N/ b- @* J1. 负责笔记本、电动工具、电动自行车等锂电池保护系统的软硬件设计
* F1 U( h" J6 _( B2. 参与公司锂电池计量和保护芯片的新产品的系统开发、设计及验证
0 f/ q  _) c# ]' O$ H3. 制定产品规格,就芯片原理及关键参数等技术问题与客户交流,了解客户真实需求 * |, T( k9 ?& l
4. 配合设计人员完成芯片设计,提供建设性意见 & U7 c+ L. t+ e5 u* _$ ]  S5 L! c: N
5. 制定芯片验证方案,完成芯片的系统验证 * b: e6 b  d' O  L  S7 e4 `
6. 针对公司产品设计应用电路、编写应用软件、整理应用笔记等技术文档
( i2 m5 @$ [/ _% ?$ X* W2 @9 e) h7. 研究锂电池容量算法,提取满足客户需要的容量模型 2 C  S7 v. d* @0 A& e) O. n
8. 进行内部员工培训,为FAE提供技术培训和支持,
! w' G8 p) R" k1 h$ W9. 为销售提供技术支持,解决用户遇到的技术问题
: _0 C# P' `% i" a2 H# a" d9 d6 i, G3 D; _
职位要求:  - G. ~& z$ q- [3 P6 [; M% e
1. 计算机、电子、微电子、通信相关专业本科及以上学历; 4 V' h. `% U0 a6 V+ K: D3 G
2. 3年以上芯片应用经验,曾参与或主导锂电池计量或保护芯片产品的设计。 4 g" ?' {8 f3 c. d% ]3 Y" Y  W
3. 了解笔记本、电动工具、电动自行车等应用系统的电气特性
0 d7 O# f; x  j9 E4. 了解锂电池Cell及Pack特性,对锂电池容量模型具有一定了解
0 ?# X( \! g5 x5. 正确理解Spec要求,可独立完成Spec的制定和芯片的验证工作 / O3 f  A5 W! ~. a# W0 p
6. 精通嵌入式软件开发,有一定的C/C++编程语言经验   T$ k% N9 P$ M* P2 H
7. 丰富的电路分析、设计经验,熟悉常用的电池元器件的应用 9 n& }, q( Z5 f2 p( V
8. 良好的沟通能力,可正确理解客户的真实需求 / t7 S9 _, k& M
9. 认同客户导向,可快速解决客户问题
& L9 E$ f: u: l10. 具备良好的读写与英语能力 4 e& p0 G; e2 V5 X' q+ e2 a
11. 积极进取,良好的团队合作精神。
作者: ranica    時間: 2013-8-16 01:38 PM
Staff AE for P&R# h0 x, c' w8 I' z) J. l

, @: N% k/ W3 I2 C% i公      司:One world top EDA company. F8 h1 y% b+ c8 i) C& F" |! V& x8 O
! m2 }5 A) y6 J# T
- V- L8 D! x6 Y, wResponsibilities, Education, and experience information:
5 [0 J! q) s" g& J' M& W8 V·          Work closely with the sales team to identify and scope opportunities for the ICD platform. & q9 H# m# ~- B9 t0 ~$ K; U8 g
·          Understand the Goal and Objective, then plan and execute and manage key technical evaluations by co-working proactively with existing and potential customers as well as team colleagues
/ b& g; `1 ?! M6 R( J# b5 G·          Summarize the tasks and projects, and report to manager and share with team effectively
5 g8 P1 N; f- ]·          Train, ramp-up and accompany customer project. 6 w% ]  X4 Y6 p: {2 R5 R% q9 I( O
·          Conduct basic and advanced trainings, presentations and demos as necessary. 0 h" x6 `, x! g* J+ G
·          Ramp-up other members of the team on the advanced ICD back-end technologies and tools.
) y1 q' s1 s' q2 J* N4 ?3 b5 J, f·          Providing technical expertise to address clients’ queries, which need expert involvement
6 h- g3 ~/ ]$ L  Z9 w
" C0 x  T8 [5 F9 jMinimum experience Required   
1 ~; j4 c( r+ G+ u+ J5 i# ]5 U) R* q10+ years experience in digital IC implementation including floorplan, powerplan, placement, CTS, routing, SI & STA signoff. $ @2 |6 G4 e4 T- ^9 j* R0 l
Hands-on experience on running 0.13um / 90nm hierarchical, timing driven, SI prevention, low power place-and-route projects a big plus  0 V$ n+ @) m( }" J
Familiar with SOC-E, STA (ETS or PrimeTime-SI), RC extraction, LEF generation with Abstract generator  0 g( J/ m* {  U; k1 \- M
Knowledge of Linux and tcl is a must  , E2 o! O$ W8 n$ d; d) s4 U
Good program / engagement management skill  
) q; k& J- U0 H. tEffective team player, willing to learn  
' R4 ]) }/ f' w* o5 U* \6 s( VGood command of English (written or oral)
作者: ranica    時間: 2013-9-17 10:48 AM
Field Applications Engineer
6 C3 d) w0 {7 ?6 J- q: a8 W7 W& i4 X) [5 E3 G. S: _8 I
公      司:One world top EDA company$ q  a$ k4 a4 |5 Q! H
工作地点:北京, g5 K" v! R# S+ N* w( {

# u6 c+ D8 E# w- [! j" O& V! `Position Description:      3 \; A4 Z& N& u
-          The Field Applications Engineer is responsible for working directly with customers in key technical pre-sales and post-sales roles to provide architectural and design consulting on the best use of Intellectual Property software programmable cores in various different applications including Wireless Communications, Audio processing as well as Image pre and post processing in a customer''s ASIC design.
7 @  R& C( r) k6 f-          DPU cores are used by the world leading semiconductor development and supplier companies. As the Field Applications Engineer, you will be working with customers on the next generation designs. In the Wireless Communications application, customers are using cores in their 2G, 3G, 4G (LTE and LTE-Advanced) modem systems for User Equipment and Infrastructure products. You will be working with industry leading customers on their next generation designs.
作者: ranica    時間: 2013-9-17 10:48 AM
9 {) z/ W8 \0 {. \, p# Z* {-          Provide technical presentations, seminars, and demonstrations of products, and working closely with the field sales organization to achieve revenue targets/ X2 C0 ~6 a  A* g; X3 d
-          Fulfill a pre-sales role that includes providing technical insight about products to prospects, optimization of customer''s software code during an evaluation, and processor performance and implementation benchmarking
7 A7 c0 u( L* N8 U-          Manage technical accounts and champion customers’ technical issues within the company
6 X* c, }" Y- a-          Primary responsibility for assigned areas and other duties as required& \1 n8 A$ P; i
5 Q% b% u" C0 _& K5 D
Position Requirements: / y& p8 k" H1 M
-           BS in EE/CS or equivalent and 6+ years’ industry and technology experience with 4+ years experience as a Field Applications Engineer or Applications Engineer
+ {/ e& {9 Y' e-          Experience with DSP architectures, DSP filter programming
' U, m! R) f0 L3 ~4 i-          Experience and understanding of 3G and 4G PHY (Layer 1) algorithms # c. o- ?6 E# o1 x2 b  L, y& a
-          Experience and understanding of ASIC SoC design and implementation is a big plus
, i- s+ L7 o3 q. V; X) P-          Prior FAE/AE experience is desired. An MS in EE/CS is preferred. Some degree of travel may be involved, depending on location and need

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