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[企業求才] 代徵外商半導體研發中心工程師數名 月薪8萬台幣起

發表於 2012-11-22 09:17:51 | 只看該作者
職務類別:       工程師
. K! ]# C) `7 x5 T9 i管理責任:       無
1 K# i" A" {% f! U接受身分類別:   應屆畢業生, 日間就讀中, 夜間就讀中
' ]+ e5 X: L, c$ T" E5 q( p9 E& G9 V
上班地點:       楊梅工業區1 }2 w/ m: F8 a0 {( z" k
是否出差:       無須出差0 g  d* v' g: q! t! i1 w! `
薪資待遇:       新人年薪保七十萬 福利制度優於勞基法 提供早午晚餐5 [* |8 o( ^; ]9 k  c& M: L
可開始上班日:   不限
) r/ E5 {0 e/ Z! O2 E! v* z8 ]; [; U上班時段:       日班* S& F) g* q- b: `8 b' Q0 Z
需求人數:       1~2. r3 z* g3 K( T9 s% V0 t1 C% w
學歷要求:       大學以上1 b$ M# O0 I  w
科系限制:       相關科系& R( U# b) J. _* t0 d
工作經驗:       不拘" u, ]9 C2 c  c- W9 H6 B( q, ]7 f
其它條件:       1.上班時間:週一到週五 07:45 - 18:00;週六 07:45 - 16:30) c9 z0 T; z* B  ?( N$ W4 G
- ^  i3 C1 i0 G2 ~; k+ P6 {* V8 E                3.具備AUTOCAD 2D製圖能力
 樓主| 發表於 2013-1-15 15:45:33 | 只看該作者


a professional component distributor and solution provider8 g: M7 z7 s! m9 o

$ ]( [6 ?" Q9 _% E4 Y. G/ D9 W职位描述( X6 k/ V- c4 Z' l5 }! L
主要工作内容:        % R" J5 F# r9 o+ ^1 m, i" E4 `
1.        主要负责ABOV产品线的方案设计及市场推广工作,根据所负责的产品特点,制定市场推广策略,实施产品推广;
7 C, b4 H. k! v8 k( k1 E2.        负责与原厂的价格谈判、订单交期确定、库存控制,建立良好的原厂关系;
, p1 s6 K3 `5 a( J* H) z+ o3.        与原厂进行产品、市场、销售情况沟通和报告,了解原厂动态,对行业客户进行筛选,重点推进; 2 Q8 e# p; y! |, G0 J5 z
4.        跟进产品线的重要目标客户,协调客户公关,支持SALES的重要客户跟进工作,制定并达成所负责产品线的年度、季度、月度计划;
9 a3 m7 P- R% E7 R* q4 n! O" x5.        负责对ABOV产品线成员和相关部门员工进行市场培训和指导,协助产品宣传资料的编制,管理库存,防止呆料产生;
, ^1 T3 ^4 V: V4 @5 |4 }
7 `; g5 n5 @7 S职位要求% i: c5 A. i' n$ D3 B$ ?5 m
. |4 O% K, z6 F! h; p) Q专业要求: 电子类,计算机类,通信类,仪器仪表类或营销类5 f! C* f; p0 Z0 L

9 u/ `& M6 c+ `+ F* y7 R; w, h( }岗位背景经验及专业具体要求:
# j- {' V5 m6 R9 P, o1.        电子类相关专业,本科以上学历;
/ ?. I+ c6 o& A5 m) H9 V. _2.        两年以上MCU产品开发背景,对MCU市场精通,对MCU方案推广精通;0 o( d# T' H- n5 j' p$ e
3.        五年以上IC行业市场推广销售经验,至少2年PM经验;有丰富的客户资源优先考虑;9 Q) Q, _4 A# _  r9 z- Y  s
4.        有与原厂及大客户的良好合作背景与经验,有敏锐的决策和市场判断能力;
+ E$ p9 Z0 q9 S# r5 s6 S, ^2 H5.        高度的工作热情,良好的团队合作精神。        - h; H' b" L2 h" o6 a
岗位性格要求:! h( A6 j* N: X# d- T
⒈        细致、正直、坦诚、成熟、自信;
( C2 l- ^  W- A1 _: R⒉        工作热情,良好的团队合作精神,逻辑、条理性强;
& l! V9 V& @7 T/ J" s$ c8 o⒊        优秀的沟通、协调、组织与开拓能力。
 樓主| 發表於 2013-1-22 09:46:33 | 只看該作者

[徵才] IBM 台灣國際商業機器公司 軟/硬體工程師

【公司名稱】(IBM)台灣國際商業機器股份有限公司/ }* j: |* D6 h9 @& j
* O9 V1 H# t! q1 ]3 b
7 I5 G- g. \. p. R9 Q5 Z. S+ s    1.BIOS Engineer (uEFI) - Entry Level (STG-0537495)
2 ?5 T9 E1 i) n+ ~0 A) G- R: l  y  r      詳細職缺資訊: g  k: J" y3 j5 ^  M
) t& ?% f$ j: F9 Q# k. n2 u% V
    2.System Assurance & Validation Engineer - Entry Level (STG-0544726)4 c6 U0 Z6 e, y7 M3 I$ B
1 n4 ~5 X7 J; c/ y) j) E8 m( {9 W1 F  z( E
    3.Hardware Engineer - Entry Level (STG-0536949)
8 w( O% B; b% K      詳細職缺資訊: p8 o* a, A3 ?$ k# U) R
" A/ V" ^- o4 G  h& C
    4.Mechanical Engineer - Entry Level (STG-0537252)
7 O5 M% d" o; {( E2 Q' y! x; \      詳細職缺資訊: E3 X* Z* S2 r: ]: G" ]! [8 ^
0 m/ X6 Z* U! _) |' n
【工作地點】 台北市# s  K6 X* k( \* K2 |! Y) j
【工作時間】 日班/依公司規定8 |" u( ]; [) r" G8 a3 ]
【薪資範圍】 NT$60,000 / 依公司規定
+ I( n' a. u/ o2 I( \! B5 u應徵請至該網站投遞您的中英文履歷
發表於 2013-4-24 13:56:54 | 只看該作者

Senior NPI Engineer (SSD Product)

客户 A famous flash memory company1 V9 ^( a) E$ c# L8 x: o& [
地点 Shanghai8 u+ o  g" T) s- Q1 P- T! B
& i0 w/ ?4 @' O' n6 K4 f: a
职位描述7 x0 C0 x. s7 l& }( d3 D* C; O
Responsibilities: 4 N! |8 P9 F2 D1 X
Work with the global engineering teams and subcontractor engineering team to define performance matrix for *** SSD project and program in Shanghai
% `9 A3 F: Y" w2 H' fDevelop and implement NPI holistic strategy and process for a scalable new product development and implementation process for SSD program 7 H0 ^4 z3 `5 h/ G& h$ R) _
Manage new product capacity planning and scheduling (with IE/ MFG team). Ensure product ramp-up and on-time delivery.
" S6 |' _6 k0 W) h6 j) GDevelop and implement product end of life processes.
$ m" p. t2 k' A4 q2 l9 ^7 VWork with R&D, MFG, Engineering team to develop and standardize process for new SSD product6 o* D0 `( F  q& u7 M
1 i4 K7 a. }" P% C1 a% z, s) U
, O( S8 o$ [; w  Y6 y3 N: @0 URequirements:
; T) ^4 n+ Z6 z2 {BS or MS Degree or above in Engineering or technical discipline
6 r" E% d3 c) m, M8 ]6 j' j8 f$ DMore than 5 years solid experience on new project management of storage /consuming electronics products.
$ B# e0 Z. z( [' VExcellent English verbal and written communication skills, native English speaker preferred.
8 Z6 I, d2 F! K  LMust have good interpersonal, strong ability to work in a team environment.
( M7 b, g6 ~' V# l0 D3 f# ]Worked in International environment and can coordinate within different groups (cross functional team) - K% ^6 }0 t/ ]: a- a' r- M
發表於 2013-5-15 15:21:57 | 只看該作者


徵人單位:中華音樂著作權協會 -, T, P5 s& }* {0 w

! a& ~* {5 j& z4 K簡介: 本單位為國際性協會跟世界主要國家簽訂互惠合約,我們需要優秀人才來處理大量資料,我們的資料來自市場上主信息網路業者,您想得到的網路業者都很可能是是我們的利用人,他們會提供我們每日音樂使用清單,我們需要有資訊處理訓練背景的人才,有效率讀取大量資料,歌曲的資料,然後分析處理,這些資料最終成為全世界所有作詞作曲人的權利金。% m( r7 s. I# D5 T* n3 I1 W  Q8 t
4 O. [2 I/ K( }
1 i% l/ |9 Z# y' I- L條件:資訊相關科系畢業, n: N% G+ N: b& y
薪水:30K 到 40K 以上
 樓主| 發表於 2013-6-24 09:41:17 | 只看該作者
R&T Image&Visual Computing Lab –Shenzhen lab Leader- T8 C' f# b9 M

- |( S( X' k8 C) z: V0 Z) M公      司:NO.264-A global PC leading enterprise
  B+ B) k) }" ~9 k" a. U9 L9 |工作地点:深圳  P' [9 J  A* i7 ^. i
- l) A  Z6 w& v6 v  J. Z
Responsibilities : + E$ w$ n% I1 H
1. Lead and build Apply team  
2 @9 F4 g& ~! `. S) v2. Quick& efficient application dev. capability, maximize IVC core tech value * B  h+ Y! ^. b) c* [
' B/ ~! }3 b2 T# n4 p* e* F+ x/ h- f
Requirements: 0 v: p$ \( ^2 H- o$ e
1. Doctor degree and above  ) p1 d7 i4 J3 ^( b
2. Excellent research achievement on Some of the areas, Computer Vision  or Artificial Intelligence,etc  
, K) s( ?' T2 H$ m& `3. Deep understanding on  industry change, background of Microsoft Research and so on is priority  8 \% x, F6 M' [* \# d* f; O
4. Strong communication and good management skill for team
 樓主| 發表於 2013-6-24 09:42:12 | 只看該作者
Services Technical Support
, A3 A5 ~. n* f: h: H0 [( ~2 @7 u) E8 F( B% \# E/ [
公      司:NO.264-A global PC leading enterprise
/ U2 ^4 H% h) ^0 K- ~工作地点:深圳9 d! m  @, O3 S( y8 _# x# W

* x  K" O$ a* W  Y+ E9 V: ^Responsibility 0 z% ?' b* Y; ]) v5 S- X- o
  1 Own Lenovo AP (Asia Pacific) technical support, handle the technical escalation/enquiry from AP Call Centre and Field service, provide the technical solution and summarize technical tips when necessary
' e8 A! m& h0 C3 l  O  2 Monitor/capture sensitive/serious technical issues from field, escalate them to development team, drive and take ownership to find workaround/solution at the 1st time.
* o7 D, D+ t% K  3 Improve the technical skills on AP region Call Centre & Field service , deliver technical tips and new technology to AP region in time, provide the technical training
& H; e2 F, j) j! ]' O  4 Involve some AP service projects, guide region technical skills owner and give technical advice
0 ~' `0 f8 [4 O7 z) v  5 On-site support when in emergency
; Q  C3 k0 j# b6 e3 e, P- c" j3 _
0 I( h# H+ o8 f' z' b' v4 URequirement & b5 s# e$ e2 \9 K) ?. L4 M! v
  1 5Ys IT working experience with proven evidence at least , Computer … and related, B.A and above, outstanding offshore support/ work are preferred
2 f0 ]  |9 H: [3 x! h8 z9 `  2 Fluent listening/speaking/reading capability in English  
% Z4 _8 J/ K; n( H" {0 w" G  3 Be familiar with PC and related application, and related test tools and debug skills, can locate the issue quickly" ~7 x$ H" W$ N: L4 |. e
  4 Be familiar with Windows OS, to know Linux is preferred 1 ^. s+ P+ p' E1 e, l7 |
  5 Basic Network technology, CCNA/CCNP is preferred
 樓主| 發表於 2013-7-2 10:13:37 | 只看該作者
Services Technical Support* N: V9 U4 G( T4 E
公      司:A global PC leading enterprise
9 g  M( ~& z5 X" m( _工作地点:深圳( E: _4 A* ]! {* E3 S

; S8 g- w4 q6 nResponsibility 2 }3 B5 g3 W6 ]
  1 Own Lenovo AP (Asia Pacific) technical support, handle the technical escalation/enquiry from AP Call Centre and Field service, provide the technical solution and summarize technical tips when necessary
+ I4 G0 o0 j' _: J  2 Monitor/capture sensitive/serious technical issues from field, escalate them to development team, drive and take ownership to find workaround/solution at the 1st time.; B; y( C+ i* c( `+ ~
  3 Improve the technical skills on AP region Call Centre & Field service , deliver technical tips and new technology to AP region in time, provide the technical training 1 x) J/ g) G$ ^& H. r. |$ _( M3 I
  4 Involve some AP service projects, guide region technical skills owner and give technical advice
4 p, Q- V, w2 M7 J, g  5 On-site support when in emergency
6 @) }3 V# T9 D& P1 T# @) z  L1 }" q7 M" u
8 ]# P* o$ z- H) z% z+ u6 h  1 5Ys IT working experience with proven evidence at least , Computer … and related, B.A and above, outstanding offshore support/ work are preferred
5 w, ?* P( W9 V; ^4 i+ z  ]  2 Fluent listening/speaking/reading capability in English  ) }  l. W4 ?. Y+ C" [6 Q
  3 Be familiar with PC and related application, and related test tools and debug skills, can locate the issue quickly
5 S" Z# i/ H- B" D* ?  4 Be familiar with Windows OS, to know Linux is preferred
3 y+ h2 l1 M0 X" ]( o4 U  5 Basic Network technology, CCNA/CCNP is preferred
發表於 2013-7-10 10:18:54 | 只看該作者
公司名稱: Asia Talents代徵
' n" N! }: Z6 T$ H7 c* z' k3 n* S1 E% ~" l1 t  W. P7 M
職務類別: 美商IC廠商FAE/AE$ I1 _& u( d6 x  e4 V: |

* B& C& d, [- \- F  H5 f( P, b應徵條件: 5-7年的相關工作經驗(audio technology/ acoustic/ audio codec), Enilish
- w/ A# s; e7 p* d" G
" I* G: \/ o6 @1 u1 f" U工作內容: Product presentation/ Demo) G4 h/ T0 S% j8 g" @/ D
          Technical supports to customers
( n" r( l8 l& v) O          Modification to fulfill customers' requirements in lab
8 N1 q, ]) d5 s) o2 N/ R          Co-works with engineering team in Taiwan and US
- u; w8 M8 ?0 Z0 u' m; s2 W6 F  s7 n4 E
工作地點:台北內湖園區+ W/ e# V) Y  ^, ]* O/ u3 y9 \. f

1 W% [7 `: i6 B0 D  b( n工作待遇:面議 /年薪(底薪+bonus)
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