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What Verification IP do you plan to use MOST on your current design?

發表於 2013-9-5 15:34:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Please indicate whether the IP exists internally or is purchased from 3rd-party.... z( y7 l& n! u6 a1 j: T, k! v

6 i3 u4 }# `7 z6 u! m' O: e8 \Other (please specify):
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發表於 2013-11-11 10:53:25 | 只看該作者
9 F" c: P2 {4 w- i. S公      司:High-technical IC supplie with commercial FPGA intellectual property+ ]" O: {8 o1 _: p0 D: {8 s2 y
5 Y7 u4 D/ d9 f( \8 J3 G
1 Q. J( N0 S6 w! _% O5 p# ^职位描述4 r7 A# p+ |, x' P
1.微电子相关专业硕士学历, 3+年ASIC前端工作经验(不含在校、实习);  
5 t3 U2 a4 r: M5 M" E2.熟悉并参与过ARM或MIPS等常用SOC架构的设计、应用,对SOC架构及常用外设的工作原理有深入理解。 9 e) Q  r) e9 q7 P, b
3.精通verilog语言,能够独立完成verilog module design,拥有良好编程习惯codingstyle。   C7 |. e1 g8 b6 M
4.能够独立完成单元级仿真,在系统仿真中承担部分工作。 , z0 ?& w" c& O
5.至少1次成功流片经验。 1 ~; e4 \! ^) Q7 F+ z
6.对synthesis、sta、dft等有一定了解。 / o0 s) ], Z( W2 f! o

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發表於 2013-11-11 10:53:31 | 只看該作者
: U) X* \- i. H/ g3 I5 S全部或部分满足以下条件者优先考虑:
- w* ~% e9 x: j- f% e1.有在大型asic公司工作经验,深入理解其企业文化。
# b9 \' z* L, l$ H' \, i+ y- y2 q2.熟悉验证方法学;熟练使用SystemVerilog等专用语言进行验证平台的搭建和维护。对Testcase规划、覆盖率分析、门级仿真、ATE testpattern产生等有实践经验和深入理解。
- J1 `6 j: h0 G* o/ S8 R3. 丰富的fpga emulation经验,能熟练进行板级debug,编写调试简单driver。 ; [5 t* ?% G( x+ T6 Z1 [
) \+ K$ q' f6 h" T& xARM/MIPS/8051 CPU及其架构, 6 D" s$ q0 m( _# q
& O# V1 |: d, H. _* z4 ZUSB(3.0/2.0/1.1,  
3 j* W: L6 B+ N" F3 D- d) C0 O) }NAND/Nor Flash/S-flash controller
0 d! ^( J% i  ?+ P$ \1 A  CDDR(2.0/3.0)controller/PHY ' U+ D1 d' z; o- _! e
low power design,  
. d* N+ k" W/ W" C; s; {- s7 }chip level clock/reset generation and control,  
) h  O. b+ @3 KSD card controller, SATA,sim card  
5 I0 }7 L$ G  M& U* T, I9 I2 X" G% osoc基本外设 (SPI/ GPIO/timer/WDT/I2S(SSI)/I2C/UART),
5 Y; ?4 s4 `' t1 O3 NEthernet,  - R" P3 j# o  Z0 {0 O9 J4 }
JTAG, etc.

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發表於 2014-2-11 14:52:17 | 只看該作者
2 }2 x4 s, f" |4 y8 H公      司:A famous IC company- ~$ X' {. o8 k
工作地点:深圳* I0 U+ D, ~; R  F4 S/ ?4 ^
1 i9 L) j: _1 P* F' Z0 @( N. N
Key Responsibilities
$ n4 d4 e4 t' R% \' v8 f% O/ ]
5 E; g- O, X* x( }* u6 cScope prospected and qualified IP opportunities develop strategies and processes to increase IP licensing and design wins opportunities. ! c! {3 R0 E: w* y
8 i" R' S  i2 K+ d, ]5 c% I! m
Remove technical obstacles and provide a path to increase IP licensing and design wins opportunities. * p8 c6 i& x/ C. `  X) l
- ?5 ]; Y3 X* w7 t" t3 s
Present and demonstrate technical details of xx products to customers.  % U% M, e9 W; P* u& R, M6 K
, n9 C) y: R% x* M
Provide technical support in pre-sales opportunities as well as ownership of customer support process.  & P" D; k5 t3 a9 o# r2 Z# N

4 _7 ^( `$ p$ y6 WProvide appropriate product recommendations to meet customer requirements 2 p  ^& X3 a! r: m' t! H

2 p( o7 ], z3 m3 P" jProvide system design expertise and first pass architectural planning for products in early design stages

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發表於 2014-2-11 14:52:27 | 只看該作者
7 C* Z& w' t3 D1 T( [) Q  K" AEducation & Qualifications # s& Z5 R* W$ d' Z
Qualified candidates will have a good university degree in Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering or Computer Science. Master degree is a plus.5 u9 B" h1 Q- a
% s7 A1 a2 G3 C2 m2 V
Professional Skills and Personal Requirements ! ?& u1 H5 |* ]' n( Y$ Y' c: }
Excellent communication skills
0 S1 w# J0 g! `% u" T' k6 MHighly self-motivated with the ability to effectively work alone as well as in a team ' \8 p' _3 K2 l$ p6 T9 Z4 j
Must have the desire and ability to solve problems quickly.
6 D! u/ \& t+ p, {% Y2 dDemonstrate a positive attitude and respect for all members of the team 8 T  E3 }& D$ _, m
Be motivated to continuously develop skills and accept a variety of responsibilities as part of contributing to the team’s success
4 H4 q3 G: \. dWilling to travel both domestically and internationally, approximately 30% of time, spending significant periods of time on customer sites and for learning trips.- w* h; Q) a" W4 _& B
Good spoken and written English
2 ^, V4 z$ P* n- J& q) ]  b! J, \) DCustomer related experience is a plus, but 10+ R&D experience is must-have.
+ o: ~" R/ s$ S( ^$ q
# a: |1 t6 `; Y' ~' dEssential Technical requirements * \6 D3 h1 W4 ?  Q+ z+ T9 x
7+ years experience in IC hardware design. xx SoC tape out experience is a plus.
7 i: I2 ^. M( Q7 pWorking knowledge of ASIC Implementation (Verilog, Synthesis, P&R, and Timing analysis), including relevant EDA tools and methodologies.. B. _+ @# p& _, @% h6 D
Experience at the system architect level with intimate knowledge of bandwidth analysis, low power design, performance optimization etc
; Z' z6 F/ p: zGPU experience is a plus.
9 z9 d2 w% L0 QConsumer application experience is a plus

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發表於 2014-2-27 13:35:50 | 只看該作者
Brocade在其數百萬兆位元(Terabit)核心路由器中整合了Altera的120G和150G Interlaken IP
3 q" v* O+ o+ ?4 ]: u採用含有Interlaken IP的Stratix V FPGA,Brocade線路模組能夠靈活的根據雲優化網絡進行擴展: B2 E; E, G: e; E0 G! Z+ D

1 {7 g6 q- x# U2014年2月25日,台灣——Altera公司(NASDAQ:ALTR)今天宣佈,其Interlaken矽智財(IP)核心通過認證,被Brocade® MLX®系列數百萬兆位元(Terabit)核心路由器選用,開始產品發售,應用於資料中心。Interlaken IP在Stratix® V FPGA上實現,有助於Brocade路由器快速高效的擴展雲端最佳化網路。使用Altera FPGA和IP來擴展雲端最佳化網路,支援企業管理大量的網路資料,並根據結果即時做出決定。& N: e; G  G; v/ M+ W8 V6 x9 |
/ j1 T# u7 L4 J
Brocade公司ASIC和硬體工程副總裁Majid Afshar評論表示:「Altera為我們提供的這一種Interlaken IP設計能夠非常靈活的進行配置,而且非常可靠,滿足了我們各種線路模組配置的寬頻效率需求。這種獨特的配置設計結合我們的服務成本模型基本結構,讓我們的企業和服務提供者客戶獲益匪淺,他們對預算要求非常嚴格,而且需要的服務比較特殊。Altera的Interlaken IP頻寬可以擴展,具有很高的資料效率,滿足了客戶對大資料的需求,同時也滿足了需要透過網路高效率傳輸資料的其他應用需求。」
, y( a3 e" N/ f9 x! G( z0 T' l. O4 ~- v. W
Altera採用Stratix V FPGA架構的Interlaken解決方案支援速率高達100 Gbps以上的晶片至晶片資料封包傳送,協助OEM傳送每天產生的近2.5艾位元組(exabytes)資料。Interlaken IP是完全整合解決方案,包括了MAC、PCS和PMA層。

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發表於 2014-2-27 13:36:05 | 只看該作者
Brocade採用Stratix V FPGA架構的百萬兆位元路由器解決方案為企業決策層提供了:
7 ^4 w9 d2 g# Z4 A. n, i) v! i" t7 q  y% U7 z# p4 d
•        為軟體定義網路提供高密度100吉位元乙太網路(GbE)、40 GbE和10 GbE路由以及真混合埠模式的OpenFlow支援,靈活的流量控制以回應動態資料流量碼型,滿足了業務需求。: \' a% k' \2 G. T
•        可靈活擴展的IPv4/IPv6路由和高階MPLS功能,提供線速100 GbE和10 GbE密度——非常適合網際網路骨幹網路和服務提供者核心網路應用。  c) A1 w  k3 g
•        高性能價格比結構,讓管理人員能夠靈活的購買服務和頻寬,進而提高其競爭力。
4 b" e: s/ Q" ?. b
7 m* S5 j( Z" e$ W9 Q/ _! ^Altera通訊業務部資深總監Dan Mansur評論表示:「Brocade透過其創新路由器不斷簡化並擴展網路基礎設施。我們的FPGA和Interlaken解決方案為Brocade這樣的公司提供的優勢,不僅僅在於滿足了當今資料中心的性能需求,而且其設計方式可以支援未來應用的傳輸量和介面更新要求。」
% h: N) H" q+ S; D) `5 j0 a" z: @! P+ c4 `, Q+ p
Altera的Interlaken IP核心可以擴展滿足對更大頻寬、更高性能的需求。IP通過了大量的模擬和驗證,能夠可靠的運作在多個內部和客戶平臺上。

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發表於 2014-5-14 13:56:11 | 只看該作者
' C+ U1 S  E( A- O7 p; l公      司:A famous IC company( a( f  s: ?8 r: ^8 m" O, q, l
工作地点:苏州7 }  I* b! q8 P* w/ e- R/ P  _

: ?: D" S* O6 q# T' D5 X职位描述:   
$ e- k% N1 U3 |# s1. 负责PowerPC等平台上的软件设计、开发、测试
/ R  E! V4 Y% i) q2. 配合IC设计人员完成芯片开发验证工作 / l+ d' P: G* [
3. 负责相关技术调研,编写相关开发、测试文档
' n9 v) ~) H4 z4. 负责芯片及应用方案的市场推广和技术支持工作 5 V. I$ D) H" A. V

7 N  J' p/ b2 w) N0 o5 ~9 k2 I: O  F7 B岗位要求: / X/ S& ^; o& G1 z! j9 u
1. 计算机、电子类相关专业,本科及以上,三年工作经验;
% ^. N4 J5 N  w! B- V, b2.精通C/C++语言,数据结构,丰富的产品应用开发经验;
- h: ]4 Z9 N9 b& j3. 至少对一种嵌入式CPU(CCORE、PowerPC、ARM、MIPS等)有深入了解和实际产品开发经验,熟悉PowerPC架构者优先; 7 T- [' W5 C( Y3 j" Z$ x3 a+ D/ I
4. 熟悉硬件IP,如PCIE、USB、DDR等,有相关IP测试经验;
; U% v6 f' K3 }+ o0 s; j1 @' p' T9 [5. 工作扎实认真,服务意识佳,善于与人沟通,具有团队合作精神、能够承受高强度的工作压力;

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發表於 2014-5-21 09:32:48 | 只看該作者
$ P6 u/ f7 c7 @6 K$ H' |; F/ |公      司:A famous IC company
7 X: s  n/ J( b5 c" a2 w2 i) ?* T) j工作地点:苏州8 c! E4 O+ w1 y* S- N  J3 h2 l% Y
0 @8 ~, i' Q' c8 {. u" U7 b0 p
职位描述:    $ F: D$ r6 a1 K, Y% K  z9 D, \
1. 负责PowerPC等平台上的软件设计、开发、测试 , p3 r: r9 O. U1 F8 A0 R: O" z8 I
2. 配合IC设计人员完成芯片开发验证工作 7 @6 N: A8 Q' w$ |
3. 负责相关技术调研,编写相关开发、测试文档
$ Q$ q6 _- E: f4. 负责芯片及应用方案的市场推广和技术支持工作 ' M9 \, O0 g* k% t
' h" Z7 y+ J" d- u- B) z' m. c
& _7 e7 h# V% a1. 计算机、电子类相关专业,本科及以上,三年工作经验;
% o$ I3 k# x6 S1 \9 X2.精通C/C++语言,数据结构,丰富的产品应用开发经验; + P" ^( ~! p. f
3. 至少对一种嵌入式CPU(CCORE、PowerPC、ARM、MIPS等)有深入了解和实际产品开发经验,熟悉PowerPC架构者优先;
! j. t( ]) {& g) B3 v# l0 ]4. 熟悉硬件IP,如PCIE、USB、DDR等,有相关IP测试经验; + U' ], i- {1 S; b: t
5. 工作扎实认真,服务意识佳,善于与人沟通,具有团队合作精神、能够承受高强度的工作压力;

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發表於 2014-5-30 11:34:41 | 只看該作者
: d& [% J7 ^6 I" x8 f4 [% D4 Z公      司:A famous IC company( e; t7 A# H! o8 @4 [# a6 J
" F( e5 V6 N) Q8 X
7 k# O6 G; g* A7 `职位描述:    / Y" `# D2 E0 z7 v! U+ q2 O
1. 负责PowerPC等平台上的软件设计、开发、测试 ! o" Y3 a, u2 a# ?
2. 配合IC设计人员完成芯片开发验证工作 2 F; z: `7 r& E* Q/ a5 z. F9 \
3. 负责相关技术调研,编写相关开发、测试文档 # e3 n6 E6 H+ b% d' Y
4. 负责芯片及应用方案的市场推广和技术支持工作 / s  j$ l0 K8 S& C# G

  ^0 M- L- A5 b/ v7 t- Z* q# G* X岗位要求:
1 Z  @8 {2 ~7 V* K; Z1. 计算机、电子类相关专业,本科及以上,三年工作经验;
0 r  y# x9 ]: V6 m/ a( F2.精通C/C++语言,数据结构,丰富的产品应用开发经验; : ^+ [$ i) W! V
3. 至少对一种嵌入式CPU(CCORE、PowerPC、ARM、MIPS等)有深入了解和实际产品开发经验,熟悉PowerPC架构者优先;
8 v) y: T+ |1 r1 K  t4. 熟悉硬件IP,如PCIE、USB、DDR等,有相关IP测试经验;
; p* P5 k( g( |& Y' u/ k5. 工作扎实认真,服务意识佳,善于与人沟通,具有团队合作精神、能够承受高强度的工作压力;

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發表於 2014-7-16 08:19:58 | 只看該作者
ASIC Verification Engineer (WMAC)
4 S3 R2 I+ ?: X3 s# O) }* _
$ h7 W* j+ P  R. `- ^5 Z公      司:A famous IC company
, h; U6 q- ^3 G2 M2 N7 Y# v工作地点:上海
3 d: Z/ Z, d2 l! Q, S5 `2 F* q- K; r! N6 o
The Role: . P% J1 p4 B- o( c9 L
        ASIC design and verification 6 m6 S, }& b$ C, H
        Work closely with the California teams , {* g8 _5 y7 j0 x1 Q% G4 E% L! ?
        Support chip tape out and bring up 3 K2 R: f0 H8 ?: v' j# O7 W

0 t2 F' h4 o" \! u; k4 @1 VRequirement: / K7 e; v; t, h& R6 I
        8-10 yrs. experience  % I) j8 h$ A% H$ L9 {
        Knowledge of Verilog / System Verilog & Perl - A1 {$ }' f/ i: a  L
        Has worked on complex project; experience with 802.11 is preferable
% c$ s) F  P/ O) v# c        Can work independently - want him to take over MVE % p. G0 ?" ?. g' C; D
        Experience in Networking SOC, Ethernet MAC or any other MAC layer protocol experience is plus

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發表於 2014-7-17 09:32:17 | 只看該作者
ASIC Verification Engineer (WMAC)4 q7 X7 U% k3 N% Y' J0 i
+ _0 H  X1 ^1 m) T
公      司:A famous IC company
: ~  u; |6 @* O4 Q2 S工作地点:上海) X/ D& e# t3 G0 f# a6 h
; O) l" q& ^- l
The Role:
, q/ j, W, C1 u        ASIC design and verification
# u# ]; Y2 B/ Q6 r: e. W5 h        Work closely with the California teams 7 ]8 M3 G' f6 U5 o2 O) `
        Support chip tape out and bring up 5 b* y7 C/ d0 }7 C8 O- I+ U
. v( j0 l! n5 A7 x# d) W1 W
1 S+ h+ ?% [+ b$ ]2 ?        8-10 yrs. experience  
( R2 W' x5 ~5 E) J        Knowledge of Verilog / System Verilog & Perl 1 \+ `. o0 q3 L7 Q. g( L  V
        Has worked on complex project; experience with 802.11 is preferable
0 k% P: @& y- d        Can work independently - want him to take over MVE
# E2 R2 d( H/ J  o. A. b/ [        Experience in Networking SOC, Ethernet MAC or any other MAC layer protocol experience is plus

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發表於 2014-7-25 10:56:12 | 只看該作者
Job Title igital verification Engineer
& R; `* x7 K# |8 i8 a! R0 LJob Category :Semiconductor9 s& X' U) i* s7 H7 p
Location : Singapore
8 s3 B2 H0 S2 Z0 ]8 g7 Q8 a1 xJob Type : Permanent9 [6 c$ ^/ m0 u8 J% @/ L) `0 ~
Job Description:
/ v6 B) A. l' \4 dLooking for SoC Verification Engineers Experienced in System Verilog Tools
/ M/ q4 I4 \6 z& _/ l4 z% I7 R- g
Responsibilities:2 b! I# _2 e% `
Constrained-Random Verification using SystemVerilog.* [& L& {0 i+ |$ e6 e/ l6 Q5 J
Develop verification environment for DUT,Write and debug tests for DUT using SystemVerilog, Perl, and C.3 T. v7 p$ ?( \. A
Develop Bus Functional Model(BFM) or using Verification IP(VIP) for tests/ q4 c7 f( c4 r! s
Developing and reviewing test plans+ _5 z3 ^; q) _( o. w/ c
Write coverage monitors to evaluate the coverage of the DUT.) L  x% G5 \- i: ]: N* `
Formal verification using SystemVerilog Assertion to verify SOC or IP is plus
/ M* L5 a1 [5 ~5 D2 o+ s/ w9 u. ^/ j$ m# p( S+ A9 ~
Requirements:; L' w, f$ R8 A1 b+ v  J
>4+ ethernet switch background5 ~1 A/ T8 m5 x6 D5 G6 R
At least 3-year+ experience on digital design and verification
8 M' L( ?7 Y0 f  }% @( QExperience on SystemVerilog/VMM/OVM/UVM (UVM is plus)% J3 [1 ^6 ^* |) g6 l3 p
Familiarity with transaction-level verification at higher-level of abstractions is plus.& u% J& u# L  D
Experiences in developing measurable verification plan.2 h( v" J" G0 r) `+ x
Proficiency in UNIX scripting languages and utilities such as csh, sed, awk, and Perl.

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