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發表於 2007-4-29 21:32:51 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
這個版是熱門領域---EDA 達人愛好者的!你逛這一版,是因為你專業從事EDA 相關技術應用?還是只是業餘愛好EDA 者?:o ) ]; D4 K& b+ V9 a- @
這版需要您熱情參與討論,與大家分享你的問題,你的經驗,你的工程師專業,你的技術鬱悶,你的技術欣喜! + C, r7 t: _# I% [. n$ ~0 s
3 {% I( T8 o7 D8 ?1 T0 ~% w
$ @5 N0 B% ^- Z" ^9 G5 L) M: w% F反面:andy2000a:台灣的討論 好像比較難分享 如同一堆 rd   自認為自己know how  跟本不願和人分享 3 T+ {" o& D4 P7 d
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4 M1 W* }" u2 Z9 e' q6 r" Z
& `4 H$ y# C4 U" X   你難道都沒有這些需求麼?不需自助助人麼? 問題求助 好康相報 經驗交流 精華出售...- H$ z3 `& T. [
   這些技術領域還不夠寬廣?都不需要討論麼?  民意調查 經驗交流 議題探討 市場探討 ...
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/ T# y: C1 T. {- o; p   本版先前頗有人氣!但可能因為尚未有正、副版主人選,以致未能持續討論風氣?哪幾位願意來身先士卒,組織社群,造福蒼生?3 t# X" x4 D4 H$ V
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masonchung:討論區會有多少人參與要看大家能否在這裡得到收穫吧 夠專門領域的論壇會有更多專門領域的同好及專家前輩參與討論 板主的話應該有熱情再加上專業領域的人才都可以勝任阿/ E( O; @  h2 W& V

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發表於 2007-11-28 09:18:06 | 顯示全部樓層

EDA 版建議的 Presentation 討論主題

有這麼多可以討論的... 昔日出現的大家卻不見了... 是都到別處看人家討論麼? - }. g/ w9 c5 v4 P, w3 @- A% y

5 q% Z( n( ~1 z" S) p1 [2 p想把你的設計經驗和大家分享嗎 ? 想告訴我們你如何突破設計挑戰嗎 ? 舞台是您的 ! :o 1 V! K& ~  J/ L+ n3 F7 r @! [+ @/ G4 H! t# K+ W, Z

; q/ @0 n3 Z, L8 P* r. R( r, b
Functional verification
Power-aware functional verification & modeling
Transaction-based verification, modeling & acceleration
Hardware/software co-verification - ISX
Verification planning and management
Testbench development and automation
Assertion-based Verification
Formal Analysis
Simulation debug and analysis
Analog-mixed signal system verification
Silicon debug in-circuit emulation
Platform VIP Reuse
Digital IC design
RTL synthesis
Formal verification
Low-power design/estimation in front end
Low power design implementation and analysis
Design for test/yield/manufacturing (DFT, DFY & DFM)
Constraints management and timing analysis
Hierarchical layout, prototyping, and planning
Physical optimization, routing and timing closure
Dealing with ECOs
Coping with variation during implementation
Signoff (timing, power and SI)
Physical verification (DRC, LVS, EM)
New technologies challenges
IP design and reuse
High-performance design
Custom IC design
Analog/RF parasitic extraction and simulation
High-frequency challenges and solutions
Statistical simulation
Circuit optimization
Full custom floorplanning
Physical automation/ optimization
Physical verification
Voltage drop/electromigration
Mixed-model/mixed-signal simulation and analysis
Test for analog/mixed-signal designs
IC 6.x Adoption
Deep submicron challenges/solutions
Analog/Mixed signal methodology enhancement
RF Design methodology enhancement
Front-end design capture
Constraint-driven design
Design partioning and reuse
Library and data management
Integration with PLM systems
Infrastructure and customization
Interactive and automatic routing
Design for manufacturing and testability
Signal and power integrity analysis
Simulation model development
Multi-gigahertz design
Design process and automation
Algorithmic-based model development
Designing in DDR2 memories
Silicon/Package co-design
Rapid feasibility prototyping methodologies
DFM verification of complex IC Packages/SiPs
Package-On-Package design techniques and challenges
RF SiP methodology enhancement
Special Interest
Reliability modeling
Design for test/manufacturing and RET signal integrity
Design reuse strategies
Impact of standards on design optimization
Configuration management
Process design kit automation
Platform-dependent methodology flows
Linking of design and fab data to improve ramp yield
DFY/DFM optimization techniques and results
 樓主| 發表於 2008-2-18 12:37:08 | 顯示全部樓層

Where are you going to, EDA designers?

以下是Mentor Graphics upcoming IC-Focus U2U 使用者大會 希望能透過客戶彼此面對面的經驗分享,增加設計技巧,以期將產品的效能發揮到最高效益。
' m" M% q' y3 V " {5 C( T9 {8 R: h# {
Call for Papers!
2 ]) L8 ~" G& Y7 B1 j. D, R# G " ~. X1 a5 ?% H! V0 ~! `- m# k0 |& S. e
想和大家分享您的設計經驗及解決方案嗎!# P/ g' |+ h' Q! l

' u$ P0 V% U% ?7 w' x& b1 L! o 5 [& Q! |4 P2 C  O
分享您創新的設計解決方案和成功挑戰困難的案例。! S7 Y8 K4 ~1 o, L0 `( e
從下列主題中挑選出您欲分享的 Topics 及Abstract:9 a/ y8 I# M! [6 \3 X6 n
5 I  K5 S2 s4 T6 D, [! m( @3 J
Incremental DRCResolution Enhancement Technology (OPC, Scattering Bar)
Parasitic Extraction SolutionFormal Verification & Clock Domain Crossing
Design for ManufacturingAdvanced Verification Methodology
Analog/RF Fast SPICE SimulationLogical Simulation
Memory BIST, Boundary Scan, Scan Insertion, ATPG, Test Compression, Scan Diagnosis
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