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[問題求助] [BUG] Spice model to IBIS model......!!!

發表於 2013-3-1 18:36:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
最近小弟在研究IBIS,話說可以將spice model 轉成IBIS model,
7 ]7 ~; ^( X1 A3 g  F8 B5 H9 @可以應用於跨部門IP合作,或提供系統廠做系統整合應用,
$ x% r$ ?( I" j9 g) G3 r) B/ J/ R9 H聽起來還蠻有趣的,於是小弟便由NC STATE University下載免費的轉IBIS的軟體- J+ k# \& v0 ]0 G0 w K3 N, w: j3 m5 s+ b$ x
& x% V5 V5 f  R: |& j
. L7 C7 C4 A9 U又在google大帝的協助下,找到可以協助檢查IBIS語法的Tool9 v  I" V  _1 m% I# ]  ^6 Z ... visual_ibis_editor/
  \& Y& t  ]* r& C. _, @' P( H
+ [* _5 s4 ~) _, d  d% O( r初步研究了兩三天,現在小弟用簡單的level shift去做測試,
/ S; \& a- N! k9 O! R. [跑出了下列的error,實在不解,請問各位大大可否幫小弟解題...
* c0 o) J5 L; _5 E- g+ `6 V5 i  k. [* r- ~8 R
ERROR (line  243) - Invalid dV/dt_r Typical Value ("0.0/NA")
. R2 R5 P* b7 ?ERROR (line  243) - Invalid dV/dt_r Minimum Value ("0.0/NA")
; Z9 J! C% \" O' uERROR (line  243) - dV must be greater than 0 in a Ramp specification# |' H& e. B9 w4 ^5 h1 f
ERROR (line  243) - dT must be greater than 0 in a Ramp specification$ x7 R8 O: @, m' e
ERROR (line  243) - Invalid dV/dt_r Maximum Value ("0.0/NA")
, K3 B: J: `$ _" M/ w! f0 g2 sERROR (line  243) - dV must be greater than 0 in a Ramp specification
, f$ v* h; F/ `- t3 b" F2 xERROR (line  243) - dT must be greater than 0 in a Ramp specification9 |1 k2 p6 l+ v9 `, i3 ~& z( }
ERROR (line  244) - dV must be greater than 0 in a Ramp specification
+ i" h3 G) g7 T. x# P. I6 aERROR (line  244) - dT must be greater than 0 in a Ramp specification
, j, Y9 G- p$ b1 d7 P7 gERROR (line  244) - Invalid dV/dt_f Minimum Value ("0.0/NA")' |1 s4 p  O  d# }# p4 k; s1 L4 U2 q
ERROR (line  244) - dV must be greater than 0 in a Ramp specification3 x2 E% s; G- o* J; C
ERROR (line  244) - dT must be greater than 0 in a Ramp specification6 V  R6 k8 X1 X( s0 ~
ERROR (line  244) - Invalid dV/dt_f Maximum Value ("0.0/NA")$ K! Z  t9 ]! `1 B1 b' t
ERROR (line  244) - dV must be greater than 0 in a Ramp specification; S5 K  H, f" `
ERROR (line  244) - dT must be greater than 0 in a Ramp specification
! Y. K$ K6 O2 w6 HERROR - Model 'INV_A': Rgnd is set when Model_type is not Terminator( t( j2 M, S4 Y+ s* f4 ~$ h
ERROR - Model 'INV_A': Rpower is set when Model_type is not Terminator" u3 K$ m( E: h5 ]% x
ERROR - Model INV_A: The [Rising Waveform]
! r: a0 f& X3 j      with [R_fixture]=20000 Ohms and [V_fixture]=1.2V
. f+ X. Z. Z7 }8 S1 n! U      has TYP column DC endpoints of  1.20V and  1.20v, but5 R, {( m5 t* P
      an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields
$ p3 P% s1 b/ p8 N- r" U- w$ A      different voltages ( 1.18V and  1.18V),
. L, ^! ?$ [9 S& Q6 l      a difference of  1.#J% and  1.#J%, respectively.
! @. A  i4 e  h* I2 `ERROR - Model INV_A: The [Falling Waveform] + W# {3 O/ j1 L" V8 K1 L8 ?. R
      with [R_fixture]=20000 Ohms and [V_fixture]=1.2V* D  m2 n$ b1 \; D
      has TYP column DC endpoints of  1.20V and  1.20v, but
- j; h! z2 e7 q2 o2 w- g# ?2 ~- _1 ~      an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields# B4 Y  d" H6 N! E5 Z  ~
      different voltages ( 1.18V and  1.18V),
* Z' U3 x- `  ?      a difference of  1.#J% and  1.#J%, respectively.% u8 v9 W- m. |- A6 K: T. ]
ERROR - Model INV_A: The [Rising Waveform]
6 w8 d- y+ Q% s& Y5 D  t; o      with [R_fixture]=20000 Ohms and [V_fixture_min]=1.2V
; S6 @- |* B+ l4 _% p, h      has MIN column DC endpoints of  1.20V and  1.20v, but& b/ k: T* N6 ~2 j
      an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields
4 ?2 R* i/ c( o4 W% j# s      different voltages ( 1.18V and  1.18V),
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發表於 2013-3-1 23:32:24 | 只看該作者
 樓主| 發表於 2013-3-6 13:10:33 | 只看該作者
看來好像大家都沒有follow到,後來小弟自己上網估了一下,/ b9 [* g/ T% ]8 {: M7 O

. o- E, m6 i+ @. B0 w1 D原來是我spice to IBIS,R_fixture對應到pullup的load line數值偏差太大,' L7 B& e+ `. F' f
- H8 n4 P5 u7 w( _- G+ T3 U" X  m1 d* F' f
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