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[問題求助] 在 Astro 當 Detail Route 後出現 violation 如何解?

發表於 2008-11-26 13:53:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Detail Route 後出現 violation 如何解? 我試過 "Search & Repair" 很多次但也都解
/ K0 {( i- q* n" U4 ]4 z不了 ....0 d, l+ ~( D( I' F
外包的工程師用同樣的 Area 可作完 APR, 我自己作已經放大 size 卻一直卡在 Detail Route
( A/ ^' Q. Y$ l& E7 O9 o這個 step .....
1 m) P1 G6 C0 r請問各位前輩當你們遇到此問題時都是怎麼去解的呢?
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發表於 2008-11-26 15:45:30 | 只看該作者
P&R 時最重要要去看log,或在跑的過程就有show error, 但
7 z1 s, o3 \0 G! V' B* Ylayout 的缺點都是只看結果有錯,卻不知log 中就有告訴你有
: [$ U8 g+ i* I' n. E3 [) K問題,再檢查看看吧!!!
 樓主| 發表於 2008-11-27 00:58:12 | 只看該作者
沒有 congestion 再加上 detail route 之前也都沒 violation 為何在 detail route 時會出現這麼多 violation 呢?
發表於 2008-11-27 18:20:26 | 只看該作者

回復 1# 的帖子

axgSearchRepair% R( A; ]# h+ u0 P4 m" _$ ?+ f
setFormField "Search & Repair" "Search & Repair Loop" "0"6 F& E1 X0 E9 @. I" ]
setFormField "Search & Repair" "connect tie off" "0"
& G: t; X6 A. o! F) G7 [4 q, M; ]. w" osetFormField "Search & Repair" "connect open nets" "0"6 M- ]6 Z( P6 _- x
setFormField "Search & Repair" "rerun DRC" "1"1 L8 T. j9 x# p" f* f9 C
formOK "Search & Repair"
% |5 f6 k8 J8 P! kgeLoadErrorCell0 a% c$ I. A; j+ ^* J
setFormField "Load Error Cell" "Cell Name" "XXXXXXXXXX"
3 t: b9 E3 `3 aformOK "Load Error Cell"1 B9 }5 L( \+ G9 O6 R
! k; i) s& e6 c' ageQueryError
% a6 C: P5 l# J: n. d$ [, |然後去點選一閃一閃的錯誤地方,點選後看面板看它顯示是什麼錯誤
 樓主| 發表於 2008-11-29 14:08:48 | 只看該作者
感謝版主大大的回覆 ~~ 版主大大所述我早知道... 且也做過了 ~~ 如此做是知道哪裡 violation & 得知 violation 的 status ,2 `2 T1 ^& F4 ?1 K3 J7 d
我現在想知道的是如何 Fix violation, 由 QueryError 得知的 Infomation , 並無助於如何 fix violation,
. I/ a1 s- x0 `: g! H9 T. `+ [有哪位大大知道要如何 fix routing violation ?
9 c" V1 L7 J$ b: A; [9 x0 \( ?7 J/ e( w- q& m6 {7 x
[ 本帖最後由 hgby2209 於 2008-11-29 02:10 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 2008-11-30 00:18:43 | 只看該作者

回復 5# 的帖子

其實我講的用意是在釐清你的VIOLATION是屬於哪類,比如說,如果是ANTENNA ERROR那我才能告訴你如何解 ,如果是DRC ERROR那就要去分析為啥ASTRO認為是DRC ERROR,也許也會是假錯,有時甚至只是NOTCH,那~~~應該只是你ROUTE COMMOM OPTION沒設好,所以你可能要分析一下你的VIOLATION是哪一類.
 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-3 13:29:58 | 只看該作者
感謝版主大大的回覆 ~~
4 L. `8 _+ |6 x# U4 n5 J' f/ p我目前還沒 run 到要修 notch & antenna , golbal rout --> track assigment 都 OK 了 ~~  但到 Detail route 就 ....1 z2 c0 Y" f; G. M
我 show 一些 info. 給大家看看有沒解...
0 m# o$ d) n& A7 OCongestion info. after global route:. l5 k/ n* N* \$ P
---------------------------------------------------------------- @0 ^/ M# ~+ ]' j9 [
Initial routing completed.
' }4 Z( ^0 k, p: WInitial. Routing result:; j+ l9 p% t( x  r0 f
Initial. Both Dirs: Overflow = 2057 Max = 3 GRCs = 1828 (0.1%). {0 |2 [2 d9 C
Initial. H routing: Overflow = 720 Max = 3 (3 GRCs) GRCs = 600 (0.0%)1 W  V1 m, p$ P3 O5 _& g0 r
Initial. V routing: Overflow = 1337 Max = 3 (5 GRCs) GRCs = 1228 (0.1%). m# N$ l' ]6 S- g5 n- h* t: D& M# R
Initial. METAL1   : Overflow = 401 Max = 2 (1 GRCs) GRCs = 400 (0.0%)' E2 C; O/ Z7 A$ Y
Initial. METAL2   : Overflow = 1289 Max = 3 (3 GRCs) GRCs = 1183 (0.1%)2 |" {7 h* \; a# t1 |
Initial. METAL3   : Overflow = 281 Max = 2 (12 GRCs) GRCs = 269 (0.0%)' [, u& N8 ?! l' r! P4 d
Initial. METAL4   : Overflow = 48 Max = 1 (48 GRCs) GRCs = 48 (0.0%)
) K' B' I7 \) ?* ^. E& @1 z  DInitial. METAL5   : Overflow = 38 Max = 2 (9 GRCs) GRCs = 29 (0.0%)
: X) v. @# h) I$ X--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 a' [$ F9 F; m  B. H8 NBegin Phase 4 .... ]( S9 N( g9 g" E% q
phase4. Routing result:
+ A* ?5 t8 E' _  [phase4. Both Dirs: Overflow = 120 Max = 2 GRCs = 117 (0.0%)3 ]" D5 }" V6 Y' @0 u$ i3 Y
phase4. H routing: Overflow = 60 Max = 2 (1 GRCs) GRCs = 59 (0.0%)! P0 y( G% E/ |" c. z9 y3 m0 h$ N
phase4. V routing: Overflow = 60 Max = 2 (2 GRCs) GRCs = 58 (0.0%)
* X) B, E, R6 B5 ]! u& N: ?7 sphase4. METAL1   : Overflow = 57 Max = 2 (1 GRCs) GRCs = 56 (0.0%)
2 J5 [2 Q3 }2 Z' iphase4. METAL2   : Overflow = 55 Max = 2 (2 GRCs) GRCs = 53 (0.0%)
5 T/ K2 J, r( b5 xphase4. METAL3   : Overflow = 3 Max = 1 (3 GRCs) GRCs = 3 (0.0%)8 G) A  u5 I. ]* {, T: {
phase4. METAL4   : Overflow = 5 Max = 1 (5 GRCs) GRCs = 5 (0.0%)6 z, I1 Y' ^1 S" o0 Z: r
phase4. METAL5   : Overflow = 0 Max = 0 GRCs = 0 (0.0%)
# t8 }  G7 D7 p# q----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-9 20:26:51 | 只看該作者
感謝版主大大提醒 ~~ 我改了一個 routing option 就 pass Detail route 了 ~~/ Y2 `1 T2 o/ U* M4 r
Original :: |" g# f  L! w4 e$ r$ g
axgSetRouteOptions% t3 v, S+ d# w, H
setFormField "Route Common Options" "Timing Driven" "1"2 x6 n- c7 B: l
setFormField "Route Common Options" "Track Assign Timing Driven" "1"
: M( f  X# e5 q/ usetFormField "Route Common Options" "Track Assign Timing Weight" "6"
* }+ I6 R; M. e# d$ r  m; nsetFormField "Route Common Options" "timing weight" "5"
5 E) J$ z6 W* E3 ZsetFormField "Route Common Options" "Track Assign Timing Weight" "5"
6 `" V. l# n* }, A4 W( F" n. U& t$ m- YsetFormField "Route Common Options" "Skew Control" "1"
* z: z7 Q$ E# E4 B5 ~formOK "Route Common Options"3 m; y! l- x( d1 \% F, f. j" i

5 O& c; M- x6 p; M# Y# xNew :8 O& X# [* }$ N* i
9 {) P3 _! ]0 e4 LsetFormField "Route Common Options" "Timing Driven" "1"
7 ]. _3 I% y) W" P: p6 T2 U) K" VsetFormField "Route Common Options" "Track Assign Timing Driven" "1"
( s, L: V# G& n2 o. x) G8 |3 lsetFormField "Route Common Options" "Track Assign Timing Weight" "6"
/ u  H" R7 X' T- p; PsetFormField "Route Common Options" "timing weight" "5"* b/ d- ?7 r  F6 n) P
setFormField "Route Common Options" "Track Assign Timing Weight" "5"
  Q- p4 o  c. W$ isetFormField "Route Common Options" "Skew Control" "1"
6 _" U- q* W1 E# t5 u6 gsetFormField "Route Common Options" "Single-row/column via array" "optimize"7 Q! {$ g: G0 u: ^+ B
setFormField "Route Common Options" "Incremental" "1"
0 Q- O) e" q0 K! zformOK "Route Common Options"
$ l& d1 B( ~$ J+ e7 D: W
9 f2 m9 @, o0 I7 E) W% E4 \差別在於
( E' j4 r) W# ^2 q& S- u' i9 b3 CsetFormField "Route Common Options" "Single-row/column via array" "optimize"$ N7 z/ d5 z& v2 }- ]
setFormField "Route Common Options" "Incremental" "1"
4 _% q& p( G: X5 A2 h不知版主大大的 Route Common Options 設定為何?
發表於 2010-5-4 09:52:54 | 只看該作者
thanks for you: @: G' j/ B1 X  ]5 Y
i have the some problem, the astro show me that more than 7000 violation4 I! N; t7 G% _7 n  W9 T8 G
most of them are DRC error.. U9 f; R) n3 A
  i don't know why there are so much violation and how to fix them.' j2 A, E/ }  \6 d: I5 T2 T. b
after sizing up the die size, they will disappear . but this is not my requirement.
# k( m# k- Z1 l- Q' X4 {/ Mi will try to modify routing option too, thanks
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