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發表於 2007-6-23 23:14:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
底下是台灣Xilinx代理商安馳科技所舉辦的免費課程, 報名人數夠就隨時會開課, 給大家參考一下, 想上的人找安馳科技報名吧 TEL:2698-2526
, S, v0 S* j- T; v6 T
0 t! [9 W7 S) N9 h, W8 h另外, 最後二個課程好像會晚點開的樣子+ D& \( t1 g5 d! w, s' u: d& n

2 a+ {: X" J! T' d3 e! WISE(I): ISE design flow5 @* O, I9 O: S8 V. T
Speaker: Lilian
1 @2 H8 v3 S- h% gContents: ISE design flow, design constrain, schematic design, FSM design and optimization, pin assignment. ( i& i' Y; L" a9 {" q
4 {: o& J  a! ^7 j, s+ }
ISE(II): design performance improvement
6 h* d: n3 V" }& r" [: J/ t7 BSpeaker: Frank) X9 }, a, r6 F$ z
Contents: timing constrain and reports, floor plane, FPGA editor, NGC / EDIF project, smart guide…
% K: u$ x, r7 q- G/ F
3 v- Z$ C! h* a  K3 _  J" AModelSIM:
" q6 ?# n' R% ^3 V, ^, A! b+ jSpeaker: Frank
% f8 T: x, b+ QContents: RTL code pre-simulation with ModelSIM, Simulation your design with Xilinx libraries.
$ J4 ]" s5 {. {$ v; ~  _9 ~2 ~! P
8 ]  c0 ?3 z6 r. m2 I7 V. ^ChipScopePro:
* q: q$ D; k, P9 vSpeaker: Jeremy
6 l3 v  `9 C$ v; ^! [Contents: debug your design using ChipScopePro.
- A. s8 w, B6 \: @! ]  r/ ~4 n+ J) W: f: P
EDK(I): generate Xilinx MicroBlaze/PicoBlaze using XPS
$ E5 J& q7 k; \6 _( B* \Speaker: Jeremy4 ~' x4 F* _7 Z2 @
Contents: XPS design flow, compile your embedded combine with ISE and XPS, generate your free 8 / 32 bits CPU for your design.
# h3 B6 I/ ^* p4 d$ n. m8 B6 c7 ]7 L* Q3 L4 Z8 b
EDK(II): hardware software co-design using XPS1 {- w0 B+ Q4 m& Y, P3 Q2 h' [
Speaker: Lilian
, d. [( f- F  {7 kContents: Connect your own IP to MicroBlaze OPB / PLB bus, debugging / porting and developing your C code / AP for your embedd. O, K8 i6 q# U
ed system./ k. \  t, ^( _: m. ]# G
5 a. Z( c: d" y# V) T- ?6 K! d$ _( c
Memory controller: MIG, MPMC2
# a! o0 ]. f' lSpeaker: Lilian
9 r' k* B/ w. ~Contents: Xilinx memory solution, Xilinx free DRAM controller and HOWTO, LAB
: G  L+ B$ z, u% k
4 ~: i7 [6 k( XISE(III): Advanced ISE UCF script and command line batch file coding
4 @6 l1 W- K7 n" I. GSpeaker: Frank- B2 v4 j! E' A0 i9 H/ G
Contents: script instructions and how to build a professional project
9 c* C* p- c/ B0 s! r, O2 o3 T  I7 Y( a& _/ q$ D8 A
High speed IO: RocketIO and LVDS high speed IO applications  d! p  l6 j; ~# J9 c% M& J& D( h
Speaker: Jeremy; }4 j8 U8 X2 L" I' x1 s1 L  I
Contents: PCEe, SATA, MGT, LVSD it’s application and HOWTO
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